Detailed explanations in West Bengal Board Class 10 Geography Book Solutions Chapter 1.4 Works of Wind offer valuable context and analysis.
WBBSE Class 10 Geography Chapter 1.4 Question Answer – Works of Wind
Answer in short : 2 Marks
Question 1.
Name the areas where wind action is predominant.
Wind action is predominant in :
(a) Desert regions (tropical and subtropical)
(b) Arid regions adjacent to deserts.
(c) Coastal regions.
Question 2.
On what factors does the erosive actions of wind depend ?
Erosive action of wind depends on :
(a) Wind speed (b) Amount of sand, pebbles etc. carried by the wind, (c) Rock structure of the region (d) Vegetation cover (e) Heat, humidity and amount of rainfall.
Question 3.
Name some famous deserts of the world.
Sahara of Africa, Atacama of Chile, Gobi of Mongolia, Soneran of North America etc.
Question 4.
What is a ventifact ?
In deserts where wind blows from a single direction, large rocks standing in the path of the wind get polished on one side due to abrasion. This one side polished face with sharp edges is called a ventifact.
Question 5.
What is loess?
Plains formed by deposition of fine sand particles carried by wind far away from the place where they belong, are called loess or loess plains.
Question 6.
What is a dreikanter?
In deserts where winds blow from different directions in different seasons, the big rocks lying in the path of the wind get polished on all sides due to abrasion. This multi sided polished faced with sharp edges is called a dreikanter.
Question 7.
What is an oasis ?
In a desert, when sand is deflated from an area continuously, creating a deep hollow or basin, the level of grand water may get exposed. Thus water may seep out from this place forming a shallow water body. This is known as an oasis. A few plants may grow here. A few settlements may also develop.
Question 8.
What is a playa?
Shallow lakes created in depressions surrounded by hills in a desert region are called playa.
Question 9.
What is a bajada?
The plain land developed adjacent to a pediment by deposition of eroded materials in a deserted region, is called a bajada.
Question 10.
What is a pediment?
When high plateaus or mountains in desert areas are lowered by wind abrasion, the sloping stony plains formed at the foot of the mountain is called a pediment.
Question 11.
What are mesa and butte?
‘Mesa’ means ‘table’ in Spanish. In desert areas, if plateaus are highly dissected by wind erosion, the flat topped landforms thus formed are called mesa. When mesa gets eroded and reduced in size, they are called butte.
Question 12.
What is a gour?
Due to wind abrasion, when the lower parts of big rocks get more eroded than the higher parts, the feature thus formed resembles like a mushroom. This narrow based and broad-topped landform is called a gour.
Question 13.
What is a wadi?
In desert regions, narrow river valleys created by rainwater are called wadis. They remain dry for most of the year.
Question 14.
What is a ‘dhand’?
In Rajasthan, low depressions created by deflation of sand by wind in desert regions are called ‘dhand’.
Question 15.
Name the northernmost hot desert and the driest hot desert of the world.
Northernmost hot desert – Gobi desert, Driest hot desert – Atacama desert of Chile.
Question 16.
What is the rate of average rainfall in the hot deserts of the world?
Answer :
Averge rainfall in the hot deserts of the world is around $25 \mathrm{~cm}$ per year.
Question 17.
What kind of ocean currents pass beside the deserts of the world ?
Except for the deserts in Asia, all the other deserts of the diferent continents of the world have cold currents flowing beside them.
Question 18.
What is a ‘Blow-out’ ?
In a desert, when tonnes of sand are blown away by winds, thus creating a hollow or depression which is quite deep, is called a ‘Blow-out’. This is an erosional feature found in a desert. Eg. – Katara in Egypt.
Question 19.
Which desert in the world has the largest moving sand dunes ?
Rub-al-Khali desert of Saudi Arabia, Asia.
Question 20.
What is an inselberg ?
In a desert, the rocky surfaces get reduced by abrasion and attrition of wind action. But, if a resistant rock is present in the path of the wind, it cannot be eroded and lowered equally with the surrounding rock surfaces. Hence, they stand out like isolated or island mountains within the deserts. These are called inselbergs.
Question 21.
What are Barkhans?
The crescent shaped sand dunes created in perpendicular direction to the direction of wind in a desert, are called Barkhans. Eg. – Such crescent sand dunes can be seen in the Sahara and Kalahari deserts in Africa.
Question 22.
What are Seif dunes?
Seif dunes are sand dunes produced in a desert lying parallel to the dirction of wind. They can be several kilometres long but only a few metres wide.
Question 23.
What is an erg ?
The huge deserts formed only of sand particles are known as ergs in Sahara. The same landforms are known as kums in Turkistan. Eg.-Rub-at-khali in Saudi Arabia is the largest erg in the world.
Question 24.
What is reg?
The deserts formed of rock fragments of various sizes are known as reg in Algeria.
Question 25.
What are sand dunes?
The sand particles moved by wind action in a desert and dumped in huge heaps are called sand dunes.
Question 26.
What is a desert pavement?
A desert region composed of unequal pieces of rock fragments is called desert pavement.
Answer briefly : 3 Marks
Question 1.
What are the reasons for predominant wind action in arid regions?
Although wind blows over the whole of the earth, its action is predominant in arid regions. This is because :
- No obstacle in wind direction : In desert regions, due to lack of rainfall, there is no or very less vegetation cover. Thus wind blows unhindered with high speed.
- Loose and exposed soil : Lack of vegetation makes the soil loose and exposed to wind action.
- High diurnal range of temperature : Great difference between day and night temperature causes rocks to crack and break due to contraction and expansion. This makes the work of the wind easier.
Question 2.
What are the different methods of wind erosion?
The different methods by which the wind erodes are:
- Deflation : This refers to the process of remaining unsorted dust and sand particles by blowing out by winds.
- Abrasion : By this method, the sand and rock particles carried by the wind rub, scour, groove, cut and polish any rock surface that comes in its way.
- Attrition : By this method, the rock and sand particles carried by the wind strike against each other, break and reduce in size.
Question 3.
Differentiate between Yardang and Zeugen.
Question 4.
Mention the factors on which the erosive power of wind depends.
The erosive power of wind depends on – (i) Wind speed (ii) Amount and nature of sand, pebbles and rock fragments carried by the wind (iii) Nature of rock beds (iv) Vegetation cover (v) Heat, humidity and amount of rainfall.
Question 5.
What is a pediment ?
When high plateaus or mountains in deserts are highly eroded and lowered by wind abrasion, the sloping stony plains formed at the foot of the mountains is called a pediment.
Question 6.
Differentiate between a Pediment and a Bajada.
Pediment | Bajada |
i. Formed by combined work of wind and water at the foot of the mountains due to erosion. | i. Formed by combined action of wind and water by deposition of sand, clay, pebbles etc. |
ii. Lies at the foot of mountains highlands in deserts. | (ii) Lies in the stretch between a pediment and playa in a desert. |
iii. It is a hard rocky region. | iii. It is formed by deposition of loose materials like sand, pebbles, gravels etc. |
iv. Pediments are slightly concave in shape. | iv. Bajada are slightly convex and look something like alluvial cones. |
Question 7.
What is a blow-out?
The basins or hollows which are formed by sweeping away of loose, light and sandy particles by winds, are called blow-outs or deflation basins. They are known as ‘dhand’ in Rajasthan. The largest blow-out of the world is the Qattara depression in Egypt.
Question 8.
Differentiate between barkhans and seif dunes.
Question 9.
What is loess plain ?
An yellowish sediment produced by wind-blown silt deposition, usually in the size range of 20-50 micrometer, loosly cemented by calcium carbonate is called loess. The flat regions covered by such deposits are called loess plains. This helps to make farm land very fertile.
Question 10.
Why wind action also active in the coastal regions ?
Action of wind is very active in desert area. But it is also active in coastal area, because :
1 . Open and extensive coastline helps to blow the sea breeze towards the land with no obstraction and cause erosion of coastal area.
2. Sea waves are help to break the rocks of coastal area into small granules which can be then easily blow away by the wind.
3. Uninterrupted wind blown through the coastal area carried sand prevent in the coast and formed landforms like sand dunes in the coastal region.
Question 11.
What is an Inselberg ?
The German term inselberg means ‘Island mountain’. They are outstanding, rounded, steep-sided residual hills rising abruptly from nearby eroded flat surface. Their height may vary from 10-300 m.
Question 12.
Name the landforms formed by combined action of wind and water.
Landforms formed by combined action of wind and water are : wadi, playa, pediment and bajada.
Question 13.
Name the regions where wind action is predominant in creation of new landforms.
The regions where wind action is predominant in creation of new landforms are:
- Deserts (Tropical and sub-tropical regions)
- Semi-arid and dry regions adjacent to deserts.
- Coastal areas.
Question 14.
How is sand particles formed in desert regions ?
In deserts, due to high temperature fluctuations between day and night, the barren exposed rocks are severely expanded and contracted regularly. This causes breaking of the rocks into smaller parts and finally leads to the formation of sand. The pebbles and fragments of rocks borne by the wind hit against the rocky walls of mountains, hills or other land surfaces. This causes high rates of erosion, and thus leads to formation of sand. Presence of hard minerals in the broken rock fragments cause exploding action when they colide with the rock surfaces. This also helps in creation of sand.
Answer in details : 5 Marks
Question 1.
Name and describe the landforms formed by wind depostion.
The different landforms formed by wind deposition are :
(i) Longitudinal or Seif dunes : Low but long ridges of sand particles lying parallel to the wind direction are called seif dunes. They may be 40-70 m. in height, about 100 m in width, and a few kilometres in length.
(ii) Transverse dunes: When dunes are formed perpendicular or transversely to the wind direction, they are called transverse dunes. They are common in deserts where sand supply is abundant and wind speed is moderate.
(iii) Barkhans : Crescentshaped sand dunes that receive wind from only one direction are called barkhans. They have two horns opposite to the wind direction.
(iv) Loess : Fine sand particles, carried by winds and deposited far away from their place of origin, forming extensive plants are called loess.
Question 2.
What are the main causes of spread of deserts or desertification?
The main causes of desertification are :
(a) Physical causes :
- Drought : Regular and repeated droughts may damage the soil permanently, preventing any vegetative growth, hence bringing in desertification.
- Climatic changes : Green house effect and global warming may affect the climate of an area and advance desertification.
- Soil erosion : Removal of top soil may also cause desertification.
- Presence of mountains : Presence of mountains may obstruct moisture-laden winds to cause rainfall. Hence deserts may be created in the rain shadow areas.
(b) Man-made causes :
- Over-grazing : Over-grazing may remove the vegetative cover of the soil permanently, and cause desertification.
- Over-cultivation : Unscientific cultivation may cause removal of nutrients from the soil and cause further extension of deserts.
- Uncontrolled irrigation : Over-irrigation may cause soils to become saline, loose fertility and tend to turn into deserts.
- Deforestation : Cutting down of trees remove vegetative cover and cause desertification.
Question 3.
What are the methods of controlling desertification?
The process of desertification is very difficult to stop totally. But certain steps may be taken for its control :
- Controlled grazing : Grazing should be controlled, especially in arid and semiarid regions.
- Cultivation : Cultivation of drought resistant crops must be encouraged near deserts.
- Afforestation : Trees should be planted to cover up exposed areas.
- Irrigation : Controlled irrigation helps to improve soil quality.
- Others : Other steps that can be taken are – rain water harvesting, preventing salinity of soil, proper planning of land use, increasing consciousness among people etc.
Question 4.
What are the causes of desertification of Sahara? What are the remedial steps taken?
Sahara in Africa is the largest hot desert of the world, covering about 91,00,000 sq km area.
Causes of desertification : (i) Extreme sand storms (ii) Lack of rainfall due to global warming (iii) Reduction of agriculture at the borders of the desert.
Preventive measures :
- The Federal state and the govt. of Nigeria has taken up annual tree planting programmes. Free plants are distributed to be planted in agricultural fields and houses.
- Heavy reforestation programmes are taken up in dry areas of Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Sudan, Senegal, Chad, Ethiopia etc.
- Involvement of ladies, youth and students in reforestation and awareness programmes.
Question 5.
Mention the causes of spread of the Thar desert and the preventive measures taken.
The Thar desert spreads over 2.34 million sq. km. in India over west Rajasthan, Gujarat, south west Punjab and parts of Haryana.
Causes of spread of desert : (i) High speed winds (ii) Large moving sand dunes (iii) High diurnal range of temperature (iv) Low rainfall (v) High rate of evaporation.
Preventive measures : (i) Reforestation is being done on the hill slopes in this region according to several government programmes. (ii) Artifical grasslands are being created to prevent movement of sand dunes in Barmer, Jaisalmer, etc. (iii) Trees that grow fast, are being planted to meet the demand of fuel wood of local people in Jaisalmer, Jhuijhunu etc.(iv) The Rajasthan canal has been constructed to irrigate and reclaim infertile land.
Question 6.
Name and describe three landforms created by erosive action of wind.
The landforms created by erosive action of wind are :
(i) Gour : When the lower portions of a huge rock mass is eroded away much more compared to the upper portions, the landform thus formed resembles a mushroom. Such top heavy features are called ‘Gour’.
(ii) Yardang : When hard and soft rocks lie in bands in vertical direction to the direction of the wind the softer rocks get eroded very fast, while the harder rocks act like resistances and get less eroded. The harder rocks have rugged surfaces. These are called ‘Yardangs’.
(iii) Zeugen : When hard and soft rocks lie in bands perpendicular to the direction of wind, the soft rocks are eroded away very fast. The hard rocks stand out like broad topped and narrow-based landforms. These are called ‘Zeugens’.
Question 7.
Describe the different landforms formed by combined action of wind and water in desert areas.
The different landforms formed by the combined action of water and wind in a desert region are :
(i) Wadi : In deserts sudden torrential rains lead to formation of valleys through which the collected rain water may flow like a river. In dry season, these valleys also remain dry.
(ii) Playa : Playas are small lakes found in deserts. They are highly saline and the water cannot be used for agricultural or household purposes.
(iii) Pediment : Pediment refers to the eroded and lowered plainlands that lie at the foot of the mountains.
(iv) Bajada : Bajada refers to the deposition of materials, brought down by wind as well as water and deposited beyond the pediment.
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) : 1 Mark
Question 1.
Loess is commonly formed by deposition of
(A) Silt by wind
(B) Sand by wind
(C) Silt by rivers
(D) Dust by volcanoes
(B) Sand by wind
Question 2.
The crescent shaped sand dunes are called
(A) Barkhans
(B) Seif
(C) Yardang
(D) Arete
(A) Barkhans
Question 3.
Landforms, not associated with wind erosion is
(A) Rock pedestal
(B) Zeugen
(C) Yardang
(D) Dunes
(D) Dunes
Question 4.
Pediments are formed in
(A) Arid regions
(B) Coastal regions
(C) Glacial regions
(D) Valley regions
(A) Arid regions
Question 5.
Gour can be found in
(A) Coastal area.
(B) Arid region
(C) Glaciated region
(D) Island area
(B) Arid region
Question 6.
Lakes formed within sand dunes are called
(A) Dhands
(B) Dhrians
(C) Playas
(D) Shots
(A) Dhands
Question 7.
Wadis are
(A) Mountain Valley
(B) Flower Valley
(C) Depressional Valley
(D) Dry Valley
(D) Dry Valley
Question 8.
Bajada is a
(A) Erosional plain formed by wind
(B) Depositional plain formed by wind and water
(C) Erosional plain formed by river
(D) Depositional plains formed by glaciers
(B) Depositional plain formed by wind and water
Question 9.
Yardang is formed by
(A) Glacial deposition
(B) Marine deposition
(C) Wind erosion
(D) Sea erosion
(C) Wind erosion
Question 10.
Isolated hard resistant rocks scatterd in plain deserts are called
(A) Monadnocks
(B) Inselbergs
(C) Drumlins
(D) Spur
(B) Inselbergs
Question 11.
The steep-sided, deeply undercut, overhanging rock ridges separated from one another by long grooves in desert floors of relatively softer rocks are called
(A) Dreikanters
(B) Ventifacts
(C) Zeugens
(D) Yardangs
(D) Yardangs
Question 12.
Wind windows and window bridges are ______ land forms.
(A) Transportational
(B) Erosion
(C) Depositional
(D) None of these
(B) Erosion
Question 13.
Accumulation of sands between obstacles are called
(A) Sand shadows
(B) Sand drifts
(C) Sand dunes
(D) Ripple marks
(B) Sand drifts
Question 14.
The wind-borne materials deposited beyond the limits of the deserts by wind action are called
(A) Sand dunes
(B) Loess
(C) Ripple marks
(D) Barkhans
(B) Loess
Question 15.
The loess formation in China is most prominent in
(A) North China
(B) East China
(C) South China
(D) West China
(A) North China
Question 16.
Wind erosion in the arid and semi-arid regions is assisted by
(A) Chemical weathering
(B) Mechanical weathering
(C) Biological weathering
(D) Differential weathering
(B) Mechanical weathering
Question 17.
Wind erosion is largely controlled and determined by
(A) Wind velocity
(B) Compositions of rocks
(C) Nature of Vegetation
(D) All of these
(D) All of these
Question 18.
The process of removing, lifting and blowing away dry and loose particles of sads and dusts by wind is called
(A) Deflation
(B) Abrasion
(C) Attrition
(D) Corrosion
(A) Deflation
Question 19.
Which of the following rocks are called ‘gara’ in Sahara?
(A) Dreikanter
(B) Dunes
(C) Stone lattice
(D) Mushroom rocks
(D) Mushroom rocks
Question 20.
Wind transports materials by the process of
(A) Suspension
(B) Saltation
(C) Traction
(D) All of these
(D) All of these
Question 21.
The mineral abundantly found in sand duhes is
(A) Quartz
(B) Kaolin clay
(C) Feldspar
(D) Clay
(A) Quartz
Question 22.
The dunes formed along coasts and margins of deserts are called
(A) Longitudinal dunes
(B) Transverse dunes
(C) Bankhan dunes
(D) Parabolic dunes
(B) Transverse dunes
Question 23.
The sand dunes formed parallel to wind direction are called
(A) Transverse dunes
(B) Barkhan dunes
(C) Parabolic dunes
(D) Longitudinal dunes
(D) Longitudinal dunes
Question 24.
Which of the sand dunes have two horns ?
(A) Nebkha
(B) Barkhan
(C) Seif
(D) Transverse dunes
(B) Barkhan
Question 25.
The example of the most significant wind blown deposits is
(A) Sand dunes
(B) Loess
(C) Ripple marks
(D) Playa
(B) Loess
Question 26.
Loess is known as ‘Limon’ in
(A) France
(B) Nebraska
(C) Australia
(D) China
(A) France
Question 27.
‘Inselberg’ was first named by
(A) W. M. Davis
(B) L. C. King
(C) R. L. Parker
(D) R. A. Bagnold
(B) L. C. King
Question 28.
Seif dunes were first named by
(A) L.C.King
(B) W. Penck
(C) W. M. Davis
(D) R. A. Bagnold
(D) R. A. Bagnold
Question 29.
The dry river channels in arid regions are called
(A) Wadi
(B) Bolson
(C) Salina
(D) Loess
(A) Wadi
Question 30.
The salt lakes found in arid regions are called
(A) Bolson
(B) Wadi
(C) Playa
(D) Dhand
(C) Playa
Question 31.
The shifting dunes of Rajasthan are locally known as
(A) Dhrian
(B) Barchan
(C) Loess
(D) Blow out
(A) Dhrian
Question 32.
Cresentic dunes are called
(A) Seif
(B) Barchan
(C) Loess
(D) Blow out
(B) Barchan
Question 33.
Pediments are formed by the ______ works of wind and temporary stream.
(A) Erosional
(B) Transportational
(C) Depositional
(D) Erosional and Depositional
(A) Erosional
Question 34.
The hard rocks standing like dames or hills is a desert are called
(A) Mushroom rock
(B) Inselbergs
(C) Yardangs
(D) Bajada
(B) Inselbergs
Question 35.
‘Gara’ is formed by the action of
(A) River
(B) Glacier
(C) Wind
(D) Waves
(C) Wind
Question 36.
Barchans get gradually converted to
(A) Akle dunes
(B) Seif
(C) Gara
(D) Wadi
(B) Seif
Question 37.
Marusthali means
(A) Land of the dead
(B) Rainshadow region
(C) A land of heavy rainfall
(D) Lack of camels.
(A) Land of the dead
Question 38.
Mesas are eroded further to form
(A) Zeugen
(B) Butle
(C) Inselberg
(D) Yardang
(B) Butle
Question 39.
The dome shaped low hills present is the peneplain regions are called-
(A) Monad rocks
(B) Gara
(C) Yardang
(D) Till
(A) Monad rocks
Question 40.
In peneplain, low lying hill of hard rocks remains as residual landform is called
(A) Yardang
(B) Zeugen
(C) Sand dunes
(D) Inselberg
(D) Inselberg
Fill in the blanks : 1 Mark
1. The playa lakes in the arid regions of Africa are known as _______.
2. The playa lakes in the desert region of Rajasthan are known as _______.
3. The crescent-shaped sand dunes lying perpendicular to the wind direction are called _______.
4. The vast sandy deserts in Sahara, lacking any vegetation are called _______.
5. The playa lakes are known as _______ in the desert regions of Mexico.
6. _________ is the largest sandy desert of the world.
7. _________ dunes are created from seif dunes.
8. The desert research centre of India is located at _______.
9. The term ‘dreikanter’ means _______.
10. _______ is a cold desert in India.
11. Loess comes from a German word meaning _______.
12. _______ has its origin in the Arabic word meaning ‘Sword’.
13. Thick loess deposits are found in _________ in India.
14. The desert lakes in Sahara are known as _______.
15. Oases are formed by ________ action of wind.
1. Shots
2. Dhand
3. Barkhans
4. Erg
5. Bolson
6. Rub-at-khali desert in Saudi Arabia
7. Barkhan
8. Jodhpur
9. Three-sided
10. Ladakh
11. Loose materials
12. Seif
13. M.P.
14. Shalts
15. Erosion
State True or False : 1 Mark
1. Barkhans mean crescent-shaped dunes. [ ]
2. The largest desert of the world is Sahara. [ ]
3. The action fo wind is mostly noticed in high mountains [ ]
4. Barkhans are formed by erosional action of winds. [ ]
5. The sand dunes along the coastal region of Kerala are called terres. [ ]
6. The largest deflation hollow of the world is Qatara. [ ]
7. The driest desert of the world is Sahara. [ ]
8. The rocky part of the Sahara desert is called hamada. [ ]
9. The region between two seif dunes is called gasi. [ ]
10. Oases are created due to abrasion of wind. [ ]
11. Pediment is a type of plain. [ ]
12. The loward slope of the ventifact is smooth and sharp. [ ]
13. The landforms looking like mushrooms found in deserts are called yardang. [ ]
14. The Salt water lakes of deserts are called wadies. [ ]
15. The Taklamakan Desert lies in China. [ ]
16. ‘Mesa’ means ‘Chair’ in Spanish. [ ]
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. True
7. False
8. True
9. True
10. True
11. True
12. False
13. False
14. False
15. True
16. False
Match the following :
List 1 | List 2 |
A. Sahara | i. Asia |
B. Gobi | ii. Africa |
C. Salina | iii. South America |
D. Barkhan | iv. North America |
E. Soneran | v. Kirghiz, Steppe region |
F. Atacama | vi. Playa lake |
List 1 | List 2 |
A. Sahara | ii. Africa |
B. Gobi | i. Asia |
C. Salina | vi. Playa lake |
D. Barkhan | v. Kirghiz, Steppe region |
E. Soneran | iv. North America |
F. Atacama | iii. South America |
Answer in few words : 1 Mark
Question 1.
What are sandy deserts known as ?
Question 2.
What are the moving sand dunes of Rajasthan called ?
Question 3.
What are rocky deserts known as ?
Question 4.
What are ‘gours’ also known as ?
Gara, or mushroom rocks or rock pedestals.
Question 5.
What are inselbergs?
Outstanding rounded steep-sided residual rocks or hills in deserts.
Question 6.
What are deflation basins ?
Hollows created in deserts by sweeping away or deflation of sand by wind.
Question 7.
What are dunes?
Heaps of sand formed by wind deposition in deserts.
Question 8.
What are Barkhans?
Crescent shaped sand dunes.
Question 9.
Which is the largest ‘hot’ desert of the world ?
Sahara desert in Africa.
Question 10.
Where does the Thar desert lie in India ?
West Rajasthan, Gujarat, South-western Punjab and parts of Haryana.