WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Detailed explanations in West Bengal Board Class 8 History Book Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy offer valuable context and analysis.

WBBSE Class 8 History Chapter 4 Question Answer – The Nature of Colonial Economy

Thinak and Find –

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct alternatives :

a. Permanent settlement was stated by __________ (Hastings / Cornwallis / Dalhousie)

b. Mahalwari system started in ___________ (Bengal / North India / South India)
North India

c. Dadan means __________ (advance payment / abwab / unpaid labour)
Advance payment.

d. The first jute factory in colonial India came up at ____________ (Rishra / Calcutta / Bombay)

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

e. The flow out of wealth from the country is known as ___________ (Drain of wealth /deindustrialisation / bargadari system)
Drainage of wealth.

2. Pick the wrong statement.

Question a.
Parmanent settlement standard in 1974.

Question b.
Indigo revolt occured in Madras.

Question c.
The cotton cultivation in Decan was linked to American civil war..

Question d.
The Indian market saw an influx of native commodities with the expansion of railways.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question d.
The telegraph system was set up in the company’s interest.

3. Answer briefly (30-40 words)

Question a.
What was the sunset law?
One of this features of Parmanent settlement system was the Sunset law. Though the owner of the land was the zamindars but the power of revenue collection was centered in the company’s hand. According to ‘Sunset Law’ if due revenue failed to reach the company by sunset of the fixed date, zamindars lost their right to land. This is known a Sunset law.’

Question b.
What de you understand by commercialisation of agriculture?
Under British rule a feature of indian economy was commercialisation of agriculture. Cultivatiion of some crops was emphasised for commercial purpose. The government put pressure to on the peasants to cultivate indigo, cotton, jute etc. The peasants were not benefited by the commercialisation of agriculture. Those invested more in agreculter gained more.

Question c.
why did the ‘Decan riots’ occur?
Taking the advantage of the sufferings of the cultivator of cotton of Decan, the Sahukar money leaders controlled over the crops against the loan paid by them. The cotton cultivator of Decan revolted agaist it. They attacked the Sahukars and fired all the legal papers. The colonial rulers called this revolt as ‘Decan riot’. This revolt lasted from May to september in 1875.

Question d.
What is drainage of wealth?
The British East India company used the Indian economy for their own benefit. The Indian wealths was beirg plunderedand sent to Britain. In 1840 one of a British officer informed that yearly the wealth, worth of 3 crore Starling was sent from India to Britain. In return some cheap warfair was imponted from Britain to India. This is called drainage of wealth.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question e.
What is deindustrialisation?
British product mainly clothes weaving in mills were being imported to India. Indian industries started declining to face an unequal competition. Besides the Government policy paved them to ruin, Many people involved with indusiry became jobless. Many of this became agricultural tabour. This is called deindustriallisation.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy 1

4. Write in your own words (120-160 words)

Question a.
What was the effect of parmanent settlement on peasant society?
Governor Lord Cornwallis introduced permanent settlement in 1793. By this system the land was given to the zamindar permanently. Specific revenue paid to the company by zamindar became fixed but the revenue that was paid by this peasants to zamindar remained unfixed. The Zamindar enjoyed the absolute right over the land and the right was heriditary. The zamindar took the revenue from the peasant, at high rate but the company was deprived.

It was hoped that after getting the ownership of land the zamindars would try to develop the agricultural system but in reality it did not come to the truth. This system led a middle class in between zamindars and the peasants. For this system of permanent settlement the peasants of Bengal suffered much. Cormwallis hoped that the zamindar would give the ‘Palta’ to the peasants. Instead of the zamindars forced the peasants to pay revenue at high rate. If the peasants failed to pay the zaminders tortured them or took away their lands, besides various illegal taxes were also extracted from the peasants.

Question b.
Compare and contrust Permanent settlement system with Ryot and Mahalwari system. Which was of lesser har to the peasants? Give reasons.
By the system of permanent settlenent the land was giver pennanently. The ownership of the land became ancestral. The part of revenue, collected by the zamindar was to be paid to company and the zamindar would be owner of part on a certain day before sunset the revenue was to be submitted by the zamindar to the company otherwise company would forfeit the land of zamindar.

In this system the land was surveyed. Company gave the land directly to the peasants and the revenue was collecte by company directly. There was no middle man between the peasants and the company. In this system the revenue had been fixed depending on the production. In Mahaliwari system a Mahal considered of several villages. According to the law of the system the power of the collection of revenue was vested on the zamindars or the Pradhan of the Mahals.

Sometimes the revenue would be increased. All the systems above were harmful to the peasant. The welfare of the peasants was ignored in al! systems. According to my opinion the Rawatwari system was łess harmful to the peasant. In this system the middle class was absent in between company and the peasant. Thus the profit of the land was distributed between company and the peasants. There was no scople for the peasants of being tortured by zamindar.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question c.
Did commercialisation of agriculture had direct relation with peasant discontent and revolt? How will you view decean riot in this confent?
The peasants were not benefited by the commercialisation of agriculture. Some of the crops were given importance for commercial cause. The peasants were forced to cultivate tea, indigo, jute, cotton etc. These crops were used as raw materials in the factories of British. The manufactured goods of Britain were imported in the lndian market at low cost.

The poor peasants were unable to use fertilizer, seeds or machinery of high quality. Besides the income of the peasants were very low for the revenue of high rate. In fact the profit from agriculture was enjoyed by government, landlord and the money lender. The government did not take any step for the developinent of peasants. In many cases the peasants, became hired labour after loosing their lands. The peasants in many parts of India revoled for the commercialisation of agriculture.

The inidirect reason of ‘Decan riot’ was the commercialisation of agriculture. For the civil war of America the demand of cotton was increased. Therefore the cotton production in Decan was also increased. But when the civil war stopped in America, the cost of this cotton decreased. Apart from this reason high rate of revenue, draught, famine and this control of money lander over the crops led to the Deccan revolts.

Question d.
What relation did the company’s business policy have with Bengal cloth industry? Why did the Indians from indigenous banks and insurance companies?
In the early eighteenth Century the weaver of Bengal produced cloth independently by investing their own capital and sold of fair price. But started to take loan from company and could not pay it. So company controllea over them and they were forced to sell their goods to company. More over they were torrtured when they failed to produce according their contract. After the industrialisation the British factories in England started producing fine clothes in cheap rate. So the British government become active to control the importing Indian clothes in England and experting British clothes in India.

To lessen the imperting of Indian clothes in Britain and to the exporing British clothes in India the variation rate of revenue was created 67 % that was impased on Indian clothes. On the other hand the rates on British clothes for importing in India was lessened. later it was abolished. In case of Indian investor the condition of the bank was different at the time of granting loan or the rate of interest. So the Indian bank and insurance company were set up with the help of Indian enterprise.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question e.
Discuss the expansion of colonial rule in India with regard to railways and telegraph.
In 1853 Great Indian Peninsular Rail Company first set up railways in India from Bombay to Thane. Next year East India Company set up railway from Howrah to Hooghly.Gradually railways were constructed in every part of India. But the railways had been established to protect colonial interest of the British empire not for the welfare of Indians. There were two objects for establishment of railways in India-a) for melitary purpose. That is for sending away from one place to another at the time of emergency. b) for commercial purpose. The raw materials and manufactured goods could be transported in short time through railways. The importance of railway for the British administration was immense.

In 1851 telegraph system established only for few miles. In 1856,46 telegraph centres had been set up and more than 4 thousand miles of area came under the telegraph system. Gradually it spread whole over the subcontinent. The reason behind it was colonial interest. Telegraph was the most reliable medium to send important information from one end to other end quickly. The result of the battle, the news of revolt can be communicated quickly through it. Moreover urgent instruction was also sent by telegraph.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy 2

5. Imagine and write. (written 200 words)

Question a.
Suppose you are travelling in the railways for the first time. Describe your foreboarding and post-boarding experience in a letter addressed to your to your friend.
West Midnapur
Dear Tuhin,
Hope you are well. Today I am informing you about my experience of travelling in the railways first. You know one of my uncle lives at Kolkata. After the examination it was decided to go to the uncle’s house with father. We would have to travel from Mecheda to Howrah by train. 1 felt an

unknown fear and excitement in me. On 2nd January, it was sunday I reached at Mecheda station with my father by bus. The train was late to arrive. Two train had passed at opposite direction. After some times the sound of coming a train was heard from distances. The passengers became busy. At last giant like huge train arrived. We boarded the train without much effort. Father let me sit by the window.

The train started whistling with buzing sound. The trees and houses started running towards opposite direction. The train when stopped at one station, some people got down and some got in. In this way this train,readed to the destination. I was enjoying at the outer scene from the window. The cow was grazing at the field. House of different sizes, tea stall, different types of trees and plants had passed before the sight. I tried to memorize the name of the station but could not more than two or three. I felt that this journey by train is more comfortable than that of bus. At last the train reached at Howrah.

Everyone became busy to get down from the train. All passengers wanted to get down first. We did not make any hurry, got down quietely.
No more today. I shall wait for your letter.
Yours friend

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question b.
Suppose you are a resident of the Decan in the 1870s. Record in your personal diary the discontent of the peasants of the region regarding cotton cultivation.
In our locality most of the peasants cultivate cotten. But now they are in trouble for sudden decreasing of the price of cotton. They could not collect their expenditure of farming cotton. More over revenue at light rate in imposed on them. If they are failed to pay they are tortured. Besides the role of the Sahukars and money lenders are active. They lend money to the peasants and controll over them. For this reason the peasants are upset. They are planning to revilt.

They have no other way. They cannot be put blame for this. The colonial Government does not bother for them. They only bother for their own interest. In such a miserable condtion of peasant instead of helping them they collect exessive tax from the peasants. In some places the peasants already have started revolt. It is heard that they have attacked the Shaukars. They have set fire the documents of Sahukars. The revolt may break out in our locality at any time.

It is heard that the revolt at Ahamedabad and Pune district became terible. Common people have came forward in faviur of the peasant. The government has marked it as ‘Deccan riots’. In this way they are trying to supress the revolt.

Class 8 History Chapter 4 Question Answer West Bengal Board – The Nature of Colonial Economy

Multiple Choice Questions & Answers :

Question 1.
The new ruler of Bengal Company, Warren Hastings started the Izaradari system in-
i) 1772
ii) 1770
iii) 1776
iv) 1777
i) 1772.

Question 2.
In 1793 was started-
i) Izaradari system
ii) Parmanent settlement
ii) Mahalwari system
iv) Rawatwari system
ii) Parmanent settlement.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question 3.
In north and north West India was started-
i) Izaradari system
ii) Parmanent settlement
iii) Mahalwari system
iv) Rawatwari system
iii) Mahalwari system.

Question 4.
The Decean riot was created for-
i) indigo farming
ii) cotton farming
iii) tea forming
iv) wheat farming
ii) cotton farming

Question 5.
The first cotton mill was set up at-
i) Hooghly
ii) Callcutta
iii) Madrasiv
iv) Bombay
iv) Bombay.

Question 6.
The project of Railway construetion was started undet the rule of Lord Dalhousie in the year –
i) 1853
ii) 1800
iii) 1763
iv) 1843
i) 1853.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question 7.
Behind the development of Telegraph system in Indim there was the interest of colonial rule-
i) social
ii) political
iii) economical
ii) Political.

Question 8.
From 1854 to 19012 crore 29 lakh Indian people died in-
i) famine
ii) drought
iii) earth quace
i) famine.

Question 9.
By the end of nineteenth century the telegraph line covered-
i) 30,900 miles
ii) 10,900 miles
iii) 60,900 miles
iv) 52,900 miles
iv) 52,900 miles

State whether True or False:

Question 1.
During Nawab reigion the revenue was callected by company.

Question 2.
The condition of the peasant was not developed for the parmanent settlement.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question 3.
The peasants took loan from zamindars at high rate.

Question 4.
In 1889 an act was passed for the defferent of the peasants.

Question 5.
For the destruction of cottage industry some towers became weak.

Question 6.
The policy for constructing railways was adopting for the development of India.

Question 7.
Railway helped connect the markets in India.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question 8.
The first jute factory was set up at Rishra in 1855 .

Question 9.
Coffee plantation flourished in north India,

Question 10.
Indigo cultivation was done entirely to meet the demands of cloth factories in England.

Question 11.
Agricultural development helped the peasants of capital, not the peasants.

Question 12.
The peasants were not benefited from permansnt settlement.

Fill in the blanks :

1. For the crysis of agriculture the ______ of silk and cotton was decreased.

2. In reality the peasant had no ______ over the land in Ryatwari system.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

3. In North and South West India ______ system was started.

4. The modarnization of agriculture was not beneficial to the ______.

5. Besides indigo cultivation the Europeans were interested in _______ farming.

6. The permanent settlement system helped the _______ to prosper.

7. warren Hastings started the Ijardari system in ________.
1772 .

8. Besides indigo cultivation the Europeans were interested in _______ farming.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

9. Mahal means a collection of several ________.

10. Commercialisation of agricultureled to divitions within the rural ______.

11. The weavers of Bengal were forced to sell at low price or at a price fixed by the ______.

12. The chief symbol of colonial rule was the _________ system.

Match column A with B

The Parmanent Settlement in Bengal were tortured
The irrigation system become beneficial rebelled
For indigo farming that cultivators the price of cotton increase
Many farmers of Bengal in 1851
In 1875 the catton cultivaters The rail fair was high
For the civil war of America to the rich farmers
For the transportation of native goods drained to Britain
Telegraph system was introduced the colonial rule were responsible
The money and the wealth of India was started in 1793
For the poverty of India turned into lived labour


The Parmanent Settlement in Bengal was started in 1793
The irrigation system become beneficial to the rich farmers
For indigo farming that cultivators were tortured
Many farmers of Bengal turned into lived labour
In 1875 the catton cultivaters rebelled
For the civil war of America the price of cotton increase
For the transportation of native goods The rail fair was high
Telegraph system was introduced in 1851
The money and the wealth of India drained to Britain
For the poverty of India the colonial rule were responsible

Answer in a sentence :

Question 1.
Who started Ijaradari system and when?
Warren Hastings started the ljaradari system in 1772.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question 2.
When did permanent settlement started in Bengal?
In 1793 permanent settlement started in Bengal.

Question 3.
In which essay of Bankimchandra the influence of permanent settlement was discussed?
In Bongodesher Krishok of Bankimchandra the influence of peramanent settlement was discussed.

Question 4.
Which law was harmful to the zamindar of permanent settlement?
The Sunset law was harmful to the zamindari of permanent settmement.

Question 5.
What was meant by the term Mahalwari.
Mahawari mean village based.

Question 6.
With whom the British ruler entered an agreement in Rawatwari system?
In Rawatwari system the British ruler entered an agreement with the peasant or Rawat.

Question 7.
What is modernisation of Economy?
The construction of railway, the increasing of export rate, commercialisation of agriculture is jointly called modernisation of economy.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question 8.
When was agriculturarists Relief Act passed?
Agriculturarists Relief Act was passed in 1879.

Question 9.
When was tenancy act passed?
Tenancy act was passed in 1885.

Question 10.
When and where first cotton cloth factory was set up?
First cotton cloth factory was set up at Bombay in 1853.

Question 11.
How many revenue systems were running in India around nid-nineteenth century?
Three revenue systems were running in India around nid-nineteenth century.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question 12.
Where and when first jute mill was set up?
The first jute mill was set up at Rishra.

Question 13.
When and where the first railway was set up?
In 1853 the first railway was set up from Bombay to Thane.

Question 14.
When was the Telegraph communication system introduced?
The Telegraph Communication system was introduced in 1851.

Question 15.
Who converted the peasants into hired labourers?
The colonial rule converted the peasants into hired labourers.

Question 16.
What made divisions within rural society?
Commercialisation of agriculture made divisions within rural society.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question 17.
What was the result of Dadan?
Dadan led to conflicts between the Indigo planters and Indian peasants.

Question 18.
When the sale of cotton clothes was barred in Britain by law?
In 1720 the sale of cotton clothes was barred in Britain by. law.

Question 19.
When the company had lost monopoly rights over Indian markets?
By 1813 the company had lost monopoly rights over Indian markets.

Question 20.
Who was not happy with the company’s export?
The cloth merchants of Britain were not happy with the company’s export.

Answer in brief :

Question 1.
Write a short note on ‘Permanent Settlement.’
In 1793 Lord Cornwallis started the system of permanent settlement. This revenue system was started in Bengal, Orissa and some parts of Madras. In this system the land was distributed permanently. The right over the land of zamindar was heriditary. The zamindar had to pay part of collected revenue to the company and they got part. If the zamindars failed to pay the revenue on fixed day before sunset the company grabbed the zamindar’s land. There were two reason behind the introducing the system–i) in this system there would be a group of zamindars, loyal and obidient to the British. They would help to make the company’s rule firm. 2) Company would get a fixed amount of revenue.

Question 2.
What was the effects of Rawatwari system?
In Rawatwari system when the certain period was over the revenue would be increased and the terms and conditions with peasant would be renewed. The peasant who could not pay the extra revenue the land would be snatched from him. This system was not in favour of the rawat as the revenue was very high. So the sufferings of rawat was gradually increasing. In this system the company was the landlord. If the revenue was unpaid the staff of the company tortured on them.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question 3.
Write a short note on Mahalwari System.
Mahal means a collection of several villages. North and north-west India saw the Mahalwari system in operation. Accorfing to this system, the government sntered into an agreement with the zamindar or pradhan of mahal. The agreement covered the entire village community. Th. Mahalwar’ system could netimprove the condition of the peasants. The amount of revenue was revicer at specific times. The peasants faced the burden of high tax, debts to pay \operatorname{tax} and the rorture that arose out of unpaid loans. In most cases the money lender and the businessmen controlled the lands.

Question 4.
Write a short note on Drain of wealth.
India’s wealth was taken out of the country. This prevented India’s economic development. This taking away of wealth is known as ‘drain of wealth’. This was an important feature of British rule in India. During the Sultanate and Mughal petiod, the government collected tax from the people. But the rullers had settled permansntly in India. they were not loyal to any other countiy. East India Company had only its own and Britain’s imterest in mind. They wanted to exploit India for Britain’s interests. This involved the drain of wealth.

Question 5.
Write a short note on poverty in India.
The colonial economy make poverty permanent in India. Drain of wealth and deindustrialisatiom led to great poverty in India. The famine conditions that prevailed in various perts of India could be linked to poverty. Lakhs of people fied in famine in the second half on the ninteenth century. Government aid was paltry.Between 1854 and 1901 , almost 2 crores 89 lakh people died of hunger. A government declaration said over 4 crores Indians survive on half-empty stomschs.

Answer in detail

Question 1.
Write a short note on land revenue system under British rule.
Under British rule different type of land revenue system were introduced.
Permanent settlement: Lord Cornwallis started the parmanent setllement system in 1793. This sysem was effected in Bengal, Bihar Orissa and some parts of Madras. In this system the land was given permanently. The zamindars got the right of the land heriditary. The part of revenue collected by zamindar was given to company and rest part was enjoyed by the zamindar. On the last day of the Bengali year the zamindar had to pay the revenue to company before sunset. If failed company could grab their land. There were two reasons behind the introducing of the system i) in this system there would be a group of zamindar loyal and obidient to the British. They would help to make the company’s rule firm, ii) company would get a fixed amount of revenue.

Rawatwari System : The revenue system that was introduced by British in south and west India is called Rawatwari system. In this system the land was measured. In this system the contract was with the rawat or peasant, thus the revenue was collected directly from the rawat. There were no zamindars between company and peasants. In this system revenue was fixed based on the production. The land was given to the peasants for 30 / 40 years.

Mahalwari System : In north and north-west India the existing system was the Mahalwari system. A Mahal consisted of some villages. According to the system there was an agreement between company and the zamindar or Pradhan of the Mahal. Sometimes the revenue would be increased. Some reflected form of this system is known as viachari system in Panjub.

WBBSE Class 8 History Solutions Chapter 4 The Nature of Colonial Economy

Question 2.
What was the objectives of constructing railways in India? What was the results of constructing railway?
The railways had been established to protect colonial interests of British empire. The two main objectives of constructing railways in India for the British were-
i) quick transport of the army, ii) commercial help that was collecting raw materials through railways and sending to Britain, on this other hand imported manufacturing goods distributing in different parts of India.

The extention of railway influenced on indian economy too far. Before indroducing railways the goods were transported by bullock carts or horse drawn carts. But after construction of railways transportation of goods could be possible at low cost and in less time. Railways helped connect the markets in India.

Many Indians felt that the government should have given more attevtion to the irrigation system for the good of the society. The forest dwellers did not accept railway construction because it was blow to their land, livelihood and social prestige. The construction of railways was one of the reasons for discontent against British rules.

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