WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Detailed explanations in West Bengal Board Class 8 Geography Book Solutions Chapter 9 North America offer valuable context and analysis.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Chapter 9 Question Answer – North America

Textbook Page no. 79.

Question 1.
Make a list where istlumus are seen in the world.
Isthmus of Panama, Berirg straight Devis Straight and isthmtis. Archin straight.

Textbook Page no. 84.

Question 1.
Why north flowing rivers of North America are not suitable for navigation?
In severe cold of winter the rivers turn into ice. So the north flowing rivers are not suitable for navigation.

Textbook Page no. 89.

Question 1.
What are the roles of mineral resources in economic prosperity of the lake region?
Minerals play an important role in the econmic development of a country. In this region high amount of coal, iron ore, mineral oil, limestone, manganese. zinc, mineral salt, gypsum are found. Thus the region has become prospersous in industry.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 2.
How did the lake region industrially developed?
The factors of developing in industry of lake region are –

  1. Availablity of minerals
  2. Facility of abundance of capital.
  3. Huge hydro-electric power is created from strong current river.
  4. The net work of road ways has developed transport system.
  5. Plenty of raw materials of forest.
  6. The huge amount of water of St. Lawrence river.

Question 3.
State the role of transportation system in economic prosperity of lake region.
Industry can be developed with the developing of transport system. In this region there are five lakes with st. Lawrence river. So the goods can be transported from one place to another through water ways. The transportation cost through water ways is comperatively lesser. Thus the region become economically prosperous.

Textbook Page no. 90.

Question 1.
Find out the places in India where livestock ranching and food processing industries mutually exists together.
Mutual existance of livestock ranching and food processing are found in India. In Himalaya region sheep are reared in differerent places. For the presence of grassland cattle rearing is done here. In Terai, the foot hill of Himalaya and different places of Madhya Pradesh animal husbandery is done.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Textbook Page no. 91.

Question 1.
Why numerous lakes are seen in the Canadian shield region?
In some part of shield region depression were created on the surface of the earth that resulted creation of lakes.

Textbook Page no. 93.

Match the following :

Buffallo Largest flour produceing centre.
Chicago Slaughter house of the world
Gary Capital of Iron and Steel industry.
Detroil Largest automobile manufacturing centre.
Wisconsin Main centre for dairy product.

Class 8 Geography Chapter 9 Question Answer West Bengal Board – North America

Multiple Choice Questions & Answers : (1 mark for each question)

Question 1.
In the south and west of North America-
i) North Atlantic Ocean
ii) Atlantic Ocean
iii) Pacific Ocean
iv) Arctic Ocean
iii) Pacific Ocean

Question 2.
Christopher Columbus discovered the eastern island of North America in
i) 1400
ii) 1492
iii) 1501
iv) 1470
ii) 1492

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 3.
Panama Canal was created in-
i) 1914
ii) 1900
iii) 1940
iv) 1924
i) 1914

Question 4.
In North America Death Valley is the-
i) coldest region
ii) cold region
iii) hot region
iv) hottest region
iv) hottest region

Question 5.
In the south of five lakes situated –
i) Prairie plain land
ii) plains of lake region
iii) plains of St. Lawrence
iv) plains of Mississippi-Missouri basin
ii) plains of lake region

Question 6.
Source of Columbia river-
i) Rocky mountain
ii) Slave lake
iii) Ontario lake
iv) Superior lake
i) Rocky mountain

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America 1

Question 7.
Longest river of North America-
i) Columbia
ii) St. Lawrence
iii) Colorado
iv) Mississippi-Missouri
iv) Mississippi-Missouri

Question 8.
Northern part of North America is-
i) narrow
ii) wide
iii) verymuch wide
iv) verymuch narrow
iii) verymuch wide

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 9.
Niagra falls is situated on-
i) Columbia
ii) St. Lawrence
iii) Colorado
iv) Mississippi-Missouri
ii) St. Lawrence

Question 10.
Important centre of rubber industry-
i) Akron
ii) Chicago
iii) Detroit
iv) Duluth
i) Akron

Question 11.
World’s second largest gold mine situated in Canadian Shicld region is –
i) Sudbury
ii) Newsoundland
iii) Timinis
iv) Thompson
iii) Timinis

Question 12.
In northern part of Canadian Shicld region temperature remains below freezing point for about-
i) two months
ii) three months
iii) five months
iv) seven months
iv) seven months

Question 13.
In Canadian Shield region copper ore is found in-
i) Thompson
ii) Noranda
iii) Sherridon
iv) Newsoundland
ii) Noranda

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 14.
Cause of agricultural development in Lake region –
i) fertile soil
ii) crop rotation
iii) adequate amount of water
iv) all of the above
iv) all of the above

Question 15.
Important centre of oil refinary and petro-chemical industry in lake region of North America-
i) Akron
ii) Eire
iii) Chicago
iv) Duluth
iii) Chicago

Question 16.
According to size the largest fresh water lake in the world-
i) Superior
ii) Michigan
iii) Huron
iv) Ontario
i) Superior

Question 17.
In countries of Middle Americs rainfall occurs-
i) in winter
ii) in summer
iii) in rainy season
iv) throughout the year
iv) throughout the year

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 18.
Trees are conical shaped and deep green in colour-
i) mahogany, ablus
ii) pine, larch
iii) olive, cork-oak
iv) maple, jupiner
ii) pine, larch

Fill in the blanks : (1 mark for each question)

1. _________ region is not developed in agriculture.
2. Deer and Bear is found in __________ forest.
3. Canada is famous for __________ and ________ industry.
4. Canadian Shield regien is part of world’s most ancient _________.
5. Chiengo is ealled the ________ llouse of the world.
6. The fargest fsilud of fire wortd is _________.
7. The famous swater Pats of the world is _________.
8. The world’s largest sweet water lake is _________.
9. The world famous eanyon is _________.
10. The busiest airport of the vorld is _________.
11. In _________ A.D., Anterigo Vespucci a Italean sailor disçovered the continent America.
12. North America lies in Northern _________.
13. In _________ and _________ AD European inlabitants had the babbies to discover new countries.
14. In 1492 AD, _________ an Italean sailor, discovered Easterr Island of North America to discover water ways between Europe and India.
15. North America is surrounded by _________ and _________.
16. The North America is seperated from Asia by _________.
17. A narrow landmass, which joins two continents is called _________.
18. A narrow landmass lying between North America and South America is called _________.
19. _________ canal was created in 1914 diging Panama Istinmus.
20. Praire plain land is also salled _________.
1. Shield
2. coniferous
3. timber, paper
4. landmass
5. slaughter
6. Greenland
7. Naigara
8. Superior
9. Grand Canyon
10. Atlanta
11. 1501
12. Hemisphere
13. 1400, 1500
14. Cristopher Colambus
15. sea and ocean
16. Bering straight
17. genes
18. Panama Isthmus
19. Panama
20. Praire Grassland

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

State whether True or False : (1 mark for each question)

1. Cordillera means a chain of parallel mountain ranges.
2. Death valley is 30 metres deep below the sen level.
3. Mississippi-Missouri river has formed bird’s foot digitate delta.
4. Southern part of North America is very wide.
5. Grand Canyon is somewhere in its course is more than 2000 m deep.
6. Prairie grassland is located in middle part of North America.
7. Lake region is remarkable for animal ranching.
8. In Canadian Shicld region the slope of the land is fromnorth to south.
9. The south anú south-eastern part of Canadian Shield region is relatively warmer.
10. In Canadian Shield region Toronto is famous for dairy product.
11. Lake region is not developed in agriculture.
12. Duluth is an important centre for chemical industry.
1. true
2. fals
3. true
4. false
5. false
6. true
7. true
8. false
9. true
10. false
11. false
12. true

Match the column A with column B.

Column A Column B
a) Average annual temperature is 4° C i) slaughter house of the world
b) Canadian Shield region is made from ii) lake region
c) Lumbering industry is well developed iii) is full of diversity
d) Canada has a remarkable position iv) huge quantities of wheat
e) Chicago is known as v) granite and gneiss
f) Five lakes are known as vi) in Canada
g) Gary is the largest iron-ore industry vii) in wood and paper production
h) The Prairies produce viii) is Canadian Shield region
i) Climate of North America ix) in central lowland of North America
j) Mississippi-missouri is situated x) of the world

a) Average annual temperature is 4°C in Canadian Shield region.
b) Canadian Shield region is made from granite and gneiss.
c) Lumbering industry is well developed in Canada.
d) Casada has a remarkable position in wood and paper production.
e) Chicago is known as slaughter house of the world.
f) Five lakes are known as lake region.
g) Gary is the largest iron-ore industry of the world.
h) The Prairies produce huge quantities of wheat.
i) Climate of North America is full of diversity.
j) Mississippi-missouri is situated in central lowland of North America.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Very Short Questions & Answers : (1 mark for each question)

Question 1.
Who discover the sca-route of Ameriea?
Christofar Columbus in 1492 AD.

Question 2.
After whose name America was named?
America was named after Amerigo Vespucci.

Question 3.
What is an Isthmas?
An Isthmas is a narrow landmass that joins two continents.

Question 4.
When was Panama canal created?
Panama canal was created in 1914.

Question 5.
What are the benifits of creation of Panama canal?
Navigation became easy between eastern coast of North America and Erope and West coast of South America.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 6.
Who named West Indies?
Columbus discovered Eastern Island of North America and thought those Islands were West Indies.

Question 7.
What is the main river of North America?
Mississippi-Missouri is the main river of North America.

Question 8.
What is the highest peak of North America ?
Mt Mckinley (6195m) is the highest peak of North America.

Question 9.
What are the famous cities of North America?
Washington D. C., New York, California, Mexico city, Chicago, Torento.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America 2

Question 10.
What is the largest fresh water lake in the world?
Superior lake.

Question 11.
What are the five lakes?
Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario.

Question 12.
What type of delta is formed by Mississippi and Missouri.
Like a bird’s feet.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 13.
What is the famous Canyon of the world?
Grand Canyon.

Question 14.
What is the largest island of the world?

Question 15.
What is the rusisen airport of the wond?

Question 16.
What is the largest Nickel mine of the world?

Question 17.
What is the world’s second largest gold mine?

Question 18.
What type of animals found in Canada region?
Reindeer, bear, wild cat, prairie dogs.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 19.
What are the main rivers of Canadian Shield region?
Mckenzie, Nelson, Churchil etc.

Question 20.
What are the vegotation of Canadian Shield Region?
Moss, lichen, algae and small shurbs.

Question 21.
In which climatic region Canadian Shield region belongs to?
It is under the severely cold Tundra climate.

Question 22.
What is the shape of Canadian shield? What is its other natine?
It is of ‘V’ shaped. The arother name is Lawrentian Plateau.

Question 23.
What is the meaning of the term ‘Shicld’.
Undulating surface formed by hard rock.

Question 24.
What type of grass found in Prairie grassland?
Hay, clover, Alfalfa and maize.

Question 25.
Where in America plentiful wheat is cultivate?
Dakota state.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 26.
Why have modern refrigeration systems been built in Prairie region?
For conservation of milk and dairy products.

Question 27.
What are the causes of elimatic diversity of North America?
Latitude extent, ocean current. wind location of Mintain.

Question 28.
Which city is called ‘Slaughter House of the workd’?

Question 29.
What is the largest flour producing centre of North Ameriea?

Question 30.
Which city is ealled ‘Rubber eapital of the world’.

Question 31.
What is the world’s largest automobile centre of the world?

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 12.
Where is Grand Canyon found?
Grand Canyon is found in the Colorado river.

Question 33.
Where has world’s largest river val!ey planning been build up?
On the river Tennesee.

Question 34.
Which is the longest river of North America?
Missouri-Misouri river.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America 3

Short Questions & Answers : (2 marks for each question)

Question 1.
Mention boundary of North America
North America is surronded three sides by the oceAnswer: North Atlantic ocean is to the north, Atlantic ocean is to the East, Pacific ocean to the south and west.

Question 2.
What is Lake Region of North America?
In the eastern part of North America the region beside five lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, Ontario are known as lake region. This area extends between 41° N and 50° N latitude and between 75° W and 93° W logitude.

Question 3.
Mention climate of lake region.
The climate of lake region is cold. In severe cold winter temperature lies below freezing point, so lakes are covered with ice. But the climate is pleasant in summer. Average temperature is 16° C and average annual rainfall is 70-80 cm.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 4.
What is Prairie grassland?
Prairie grassland is situated at North America. It is a vast grassland. Hay, clover, Alfalfa grass and maize are grown here. A huge quality of wheat is cultivated in this region. So it is caited ‘Bread basket of the world’.

Question 5.
What is cordillera?
Cordillera means a chain of parallel mountain ranges. The western cordilleras are parallel chain mountain ranges, extending all along western side of north America.

Long Questions & Answers : (3 marks for each question)

Question 1.
Why is Canadian Shield region developed in lumbering?
There are many coniferous forest in south and south eastern part of this region. In winter when the river water turns into ice, the trees are cut and kept on the ice. In summer when ice melts the logs reach to the saw mill located near the river bank. Thus this region is developed in lumbering.

Question 2.
What do you know about the term ‘Bread basket’ of the world ?
In the Prairie region of North America when ice melts for the influence of Chinook at the end of the winter wheat is cultivated there in spring. This region is known to wheat belt. Wheat is also cultivated to the south of wheat belt in winter. Great amount of wheat is cultivated in different season in this region. So this region is known as ‘Bread Basket of the world’.

Question 3.
Why is Canadian shield developed in industry.

  1. Sufficient amount of forest timber, animal fur are available.
  2. High quality Canadian technology and mechanical skill.
  3. Availability of hydel power.
  4. Availability of cheap water transport.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 4.
Write a short note on Death valley.
Death Valley is located at the south-eastern part of California of western cordilleras. It is 90 metres deep below the sea level. No animal can not survive due to high salinity of water, found here. This deep valley is known as death valley. It is the hottest region (56°C) of North America and the lowest lying area of western hemisphere.

Question 5.
Write a short note on Grand Canyon.
Colorado river covers a long way through the desert region. in desertic region the rivers cut deep in the valley floor vertically, so the valley is generally very deep here. Deep Canyons are formed here. Such a canyon named Grand Canyon has been formed in the flow of colorado river. It is 446 km long and some where it is more than 1600 m deep.

Question 6.
Write a short note on America expedition.
North America was totally unknown to man 500-years ago. In 1492 Italian saiior Christopher Columbus discovered Eastern Island of North america. He thou thought those islands are West Indies. In 1501AD another Portuguese sailor Amerigo Vespucci followed the route of Columbus and reached the main land of America. He realized that it was not India. He names the continent as America after his own name.

Question 7.
Write about agriculture of Lake region.
Lake region is very developed in agriculture. Cultivation is practiced here by using crop rotation. The crops produced here are maize, barley, wheat, oat, rye, beet etc and the fruits are grapes, apples and peach. In the corn belt of this region corn is cultivated for feeding cattle. Central highland is famous for highest maize producing region of the world. At the north part different grasses are cultivated for cattle feeding.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 8.
Write about livestock ranching of Lake regicn.
Cattle, pig, Jercy cow and sheep are reared in the lake region to provide milk, dairy products and meat to the lake region and surrounding areas. So poultry farm has been set up here. Washington state, lies beside Superior and Michigan lake is known as dairy state for animal ranching. Chicago is famous for meat production and conservation. Thus Chicago is called the slaughter house of the world.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America 4

Question 9.
What are the causes of livestock faring of Lake region.
The reasons for the development of live stock farming in the lake region are-

  1. Huge amount of hay, clover grass are grown here to supply sufficient food for cattle.
  2. Adequate water of lake region provides water needed for cattles.
  3. The presence of vast plain region is favourable for grazing.
  4. The cold climate helps in preservation of milk, dairy products and meat.

Question 10.
Describe climate and natural vegetation of shield region.
This region belongs extremely cold Fundra climatic region. The temperature does not exceeds 10°C. Tutal rainfal! less than 40 cm. Large trees do not grow. Moss, lichen, algae and small shrubs grow here. The Southeastern part of shield region is relatively warmer. Annual average temperature is 4°C. Large coniferous forest of Pine, fir, birch, maple ete are found here and so lumbering industry has been developed hare.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 9 North America

Question 11.
Describe Western cardillera of North Ameviea.
This region is extended from northern part of Bering straight to southern part of Panama canal along the Western part of Pacific coast of North America. This cardillera extends through the South America with the name of Andes. These mountain ranges are new-fold mountains like Himalayan mountain ranges. These mountain ranges have formed along the convergent plate boundary when the Pacific ecean plate and North American continental plate were collided. The middle part of it is wider and two sides are narrow. The main mountain ranges are Coast range. Alaska range, Brooks vange. Mt Mckinley (6195 m) of Alaska range is the highest peak of North America. The rivers flowing western hilly rsgion are Yukon, Colorado, Coloumbia, Frazer ete. These river fall into the Pacific ocean.

Question 12.
What are the causes of climatic variations in North America?
In North America various climatic regions are found. The causes of climatic variation are as follows –
1. Latitudinal Extent : Most of the part of North Ameriea lies between 30°-60° N latitude. This region belongs to temperate climate. As the Tropic of carcer passes through Mexico, Tropical climate is found in Middle America, Mexico, Caribbean Islands. Northern part of this continent expcriences Tundra and Polar climate.

2. Ocean Current : For the influence of cold Labrador current North America remains snow covered all the year round. Due to the influence of cold California current South-eastern part of the continent along with California coast remains cold. Warm Gulf stream increases the temperature of the coast of south-east part of the continent.

3. Wind : A hot wind called Chinook blows in the eastern slope of the Rocky mountain in the beginning of the spring. The moirture holding eapacity of the wind inereases and so rain fall does not oecur. For this reason grasses and shrub type vegetation grow here. This region is known as prairie region.

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