WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Detailed explanations in West Bengal Board Class 8 Geography Book Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation offer valuable context and analysis.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Chapter 7 Question Answer – Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Multiple Choice Questions & Answers : (1 mark for each question)

Question 1.
In eighteenth century the industrial revolution occured first in-
i) Italy
ii) England
iii) Germany, India
ii) England.

Question 2.
Two world wars occured in-
i) eighteenth century
ii) nineteenth century
iii) twentieth century
iii) twentieth century

Question 3.
When ground water is polluted by arsenic, it is called-
i) environmental pollution
ii) environmental degradation
iii) damage of environment
ii) environmental degradation.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 4.
Decreasing of Biodiversity is-
i) environmental pollution ,
ii) environmental degradation ,
iii) environmental destruction
environmental degradation.

Question 5.
Devastating cyclone occured at-
i) Digha
ii) Puri
iii) Vishakhapatnan
iv) Gopalpur
iv) Gopalpur.

Question 6.
Gopalpur is situated in-
i) Andhra Pradesh
ii) Orissa
iii) Kerala
iv) West Bengal
ii) Orissa.

Question 7.
Earthquake occured at Koyna in Maharashtra in-
i) 1967
ii) 1964
iii) 1965
iv) 1960
i) 1967

Question 8.
Bhopal Gas Tragedy occured in-
i) 1982
ii) 1984
iii) 1986
iv) 1980
ii) 1984.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 9.
Number of people died in Bhopal Gas Tragedy-
i) 1000
ii) 8000
iii) 2000
iv) 4000

Question 10.
Number of people injured in Bhopal Gas Tragedy
i) 1 lakh
ii) 5 lakhs
iii) 2 lakhs
iv) 3 lakhs
iii) 2 lakhs

Question 11.
The mishap at Chernobyl, Ukraine occured
i) 1986
ii) 1985
iii) 1984
iv) 1982
i) 1986

Question 12.
The mishap of Fukusima in Japan occured-
i) 2009
ii) 2010
iii) 2011
iv) 2008
iii) 2011

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 13.
Earth Summit was held in-
i) Brazil
ii) Sri Lanka
iii) Bangladesh
iv) India
i) Brazil

Question 14.
Number of countries attend in the Earth Summit-
i) 176
ii) 177
iii) 170
iv) 178
iv) 178

Question 15.
Number of people attend in the Earth Summ
i) 30,000
ii) 40,000
iii) 20,000
iv) 10,000
i) 30,000

Question 16.
Chipko Movement occured in-
i) 1972
ii) 1973
iii) 1971
iv) 1974
ii) 1973

Question 17.
‘Chipko Movement’ started in-
i) Garhwal
ii) Himachal
iii) Salboni
i) Garhwal

Question 18.
In environmental degradation India has ranked-
i) 120
ii) 122
iii) 123
iv) 126
iv) 126

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 19.
According to the report of World Bank every year environmental degradation cost India about-
i) Rs. 4,80,000 crores
ii) 4,00,000 crores
iii) 4,40,000 crores
i) Rs. 4,80,000 crores

Question 20.
In G-20 nations the number of most polluted cities are-
i) 20
ii) 13
iii) 25
iv) 30
i) 20

Fill in the blanks : (1 mark for each question)

1. In eighteenth century industrialisation occured in ______.
2. The decline of quality of entire environment features is environmental ______.
3. ______ refers to pollution of various components of environment by natural or manmade activities.
4. ______ and ______ is environmental degradation.
5. Ground water polluted by Arsenic is ______.
6. Phailin is a divastated ______.
7. Phailin occured at ______.
8. Increasing of agricultural production is a modern ______.
9. Provide human habitat and modern living standard is ______.
10. The object of thermal power station is to ______.
11. Burning of fossil fuel means adding ______ in the air.
12. The wastes of thermal power station decrease the ______ of land.
13. Earthquake happened at ______ in Maharashtra.
14. Earthquake at Koyna happened in ______.
15. Bhopal gas tragedy happened in ______.
16. ______ people died in Bhopal gas tragedy.
17. The mishap at Chernobyl in Ukraine occured in ______.
18. The mishap at Fukusima in Japan occured in ______.
19. The environmental degradation’s harmful effect cost India about ______.
20. India ranks ______ in case of environmental degradation.
21. ‘Chipko Movement’ started in ______.
22. Among G-20 nations the number of most polluted cities India are 13 among ______.
23. Chipko Movement was held at ______.
24. Excessive use of high yielding seeds speed up vital ______ defects.
25. The report on cnvironmental degradation was conducted by ______.
2. degradation
3. Pollution
4. Flood, drought
5. environmental fegradation
6. cyclone
7. Gopalpur
8. agricultural method
9. urbanisation
10. increase production
11. carbon dioxide
12. fertility
13. Koyna
14. 1967
15. 1984
16. 4000
17. 1986
18. 2011,
19. 80 billion dollar
20. 126th
21. 1973
22. 20
23. Garhwal region in Uttarakhand
24. genetic
25. World Bank.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

State whetherTrue or False : (1 mark for each question)

1. Man must allow all animals and plants to grow in their natural habitats.
2. Chipko movement was a violent movement.
3. The success of green revolution is mostly seen in West Bengal.
4. Unscientific methods of cultivation reduce soil fertility.
5. In Bhoopal there was a pesticide plant of Union Carbide.
6. Man is not responsible for drought, flood etc.
7. Urbanisation deplects the reserve of underground water.
8. Nuclear disaster in Fukushima took place in 2012.
9. Sundarlal Bahuguna was the leader of Chipko Mivement.
10. Medha Patekar is the pioneer of ‘Narmada Banchao’ movement.
1. true
2. false
3. false
4. true
5. true
6. false
7. true
8. false
9. true
10. true

Match the following : (1 mark for each question)

Match the column A with column B.

1) Medha Patekar a) Fukushima;Japan
2) Sundarlal Bahuguna b) vulcanism, tsunami
3) About 4000 people died c) 178 countries attended
4) Nuclear disaster in 2011 d) to hold tightly
5) Natural environmental degradation e) Bhopal Gas Tragedy
6) Earth summit, 1992 f) Narmada banchao Movement
7) In Hindi Chipko means g) eighteenth century
8) Industrial revolution in Europe h) Chipko Movement

1. Medha Patekar Narmada baichao Movement.
2. Sundarlal Bahuguna Chipko Movement.
3. About 4000 people died Bhopal Gas Tragedy.
4. Nuclear disaster in 2011 Fukushima, Japan
5. Natural environmental degradation vulcanism, tsunami.
6. Earth summit. 1992178 countries attended
7. In Hindi Chipko means to hold tightly.
8. Industrial revolution in Europe eighteenth century.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Very Short Questions & Answers : (1 mark for each question)

Question 1.
What is Homeostatic mechanism?
In natural environment different physical and organic processes function in such a way that if any damage or change occurs to any part of it: the affected area is repaired by nature itself. This is known as Homeostatic.

Question 2.
What is environmental degradation?
The decline of quality of entire environmental features is environmental degradation.

Question 3.
What is environmental pollution?
Environmental pollution refers to pollution of various components of environment by natural or man made activities.

Question 4.
What is the name of cyclone that occured near Gopalpur?
The name of the cyclone is Phailin.

Question 5.
Give an example of natural degradation.
Tsunami is such an example.

Question 6.
What is done to increase the agricultural production?
To increase the agricultural production insecticide, fertilizer are used.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 7.
What are the harmful effects of using insectiside?
Soil and water become polluted that cause the death of fish and other aquatic animals.

Question 8.
What are the effects of the development of human settlement?
For the development of human settlement, the sound pollution and air pollution occur.

Question 9.
How does the generation of electricity harm our nature?
At the time of generating electricity the fossil burnt which increases carbon dioxide in air.

Question 10.
How is the fertility of soil decreased?
The waste of thermal power station is accumulated on the nearby land and makes the soil infertile.

Question 11.
When did earthquake occur in Koyna in Maharashtra?
In 1967.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 12.
How does the irrigation cause earthquake?
Large dams creat pressure on the underlying rock and causes earthquake.

Question 13.
How are the common people harined at the time of constructing reservoir?
At the time of constructing reservoir common people become refugees.

Question 14.
How does the facilities of developed modern habited bring sufferings in human life?
Growing up the big cities around the unplanned old cities create traffic congestion and drainage problem.

Question 15.
How did Bhopal Gas tragedy occur?
Deadly MIC gas leaked out from a cracked tank of Union Carbide’s chemical and pesticide factory.

Question 16.
Which gas is responsible for the mishap?
Methyl-Iso-Cyanate or MIC.

Question 17.
When did Bhopal gas tragedy occur?
It occured in 1984.

Question 18.
How many human and animals had died in this mishap?
About 4000 people and innumerous birds and animals died.

Question 19.
How many people were injured?
More than 2 lakh people were injured.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 20.
Where in Russia an accident occured?
The accident occured in Chernobyl, Ukraine.

Question 21.
When did the mishap of Russia occur?
In 1988 the mishap occured.

Question 22.
Where in Japan the mishap occured?
The mishap occured at Fukusima in Japan.

Question 23.
When did the mishap occured in Japan?
The mishap occured in 2011.

Question 24.
When was the Earth summit held?
The Earth summit was held in 1992.

Question 25.
Where was the Earth Summit held?
The Earth Summit held in Rio-de-Janiro.

Question 26.
How many people attended in Earth Summit?
30 thousand people attended in Earth Summit.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 27.
How many countries took part in the conference?
178 countries took part in the conference.

Question 28.
When was the ‘Chipko Movement’ started?
It was started in 1973.

Question 29.
Where did the ‘Chipko Movement’ started?
Garhwal region in Uttarakhand.

Question 30.
What does the harmful effect of environmental degradation cost in India?
It costs 80 billion dollars.

Question 31.
What is the place of India in case of environmental degradation?
India is at 126th place out of 132 countries.

Question 32.
What is WHO?
WHO is World Health Organisation.

Question 33.
How many most populated countries are there in the report of WHO?
There are 20 countries.

Question 34.
How many polluted cities does India have in G-20 nations?
India has 13 most polluted cities.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 35.
In which report India’s environmental degradation is told?
Recent World Bank report.

Question 36.
Who is the leader of Chipko movement?
Sundarlal Bahuguna is the leader of Chipko movement.

Question 37.
Who is the leader of Narmada Banchao movement?
Medha Patekar is the leader of Narmada Banchao movement.

Question 38.
What is the result of production of electricity?
Burning fossil fuels emits huge quantities of carbon dioxide.

Short Questions & Answers : (2 marks for each question)

Question 1.
What are the effects of modern agricultural method?
Different chemical fertilizers, pesticides used to increase agricultural production pollute soil and water. Polluted water flows in to the soil is discharged into ponds, rivers and other water bodies killing aquatic flora and fauna.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 2.
What are the effects of urbanisation?
Depletes the reserve of underground water. Urbanisation creates air and noise pollution. Aggravates problems of waterlogging. Many big cities of the third world have grown around unplanned old cities. As a result. traffic congestions. drainage and sanitation problems and shortage of housing are acute.

Question 3.
W.hat are the effects power plant?
Burning fossil fuels emits huge quantities of carbon dioxide, due to the increase of atmospheric temperature the balance between heat received and radiated by the earth is disrupted. ash and wastes from thermal power stations are dumped in nearby areas, thereby decreasing the fertility of the land.

Question 4.
What are the effects of multipurpose river valley projects?
Large dams create great pressure on the underlying rock strata, earthquakes occur at weak points along these strata (Koyna. maharashtra. 1967). Vast stretches are deforested. Catchment areas of rivers are degraded, many people become homeless as the darn-sites are evacuated before construction. Due to excessive sedimentation. agricultural lands are affected.

Question 5.
What is the result of green revolution?
The success of green revolution is mostly seen in Punjab and Haryana. But at present negative side effects resulted as environmental degradation. Excessive amount of chemicsl fertilizers and pesticides is damaging local environment as well as animal kingdom. causing increase in soil salinity. Moreover, excessive use of high yielding seeds speed up genetic defects.

Question 6.
Mention present environmental degradation in East Kolkata wetlands.
East Kolkata wetlands have been filled and used as construction sites for high-rise buildings. As a result, the groundwater level has fallen. The soil as well as the grounwater is now saline to a great extent. Felling of trees and acquisition cultivable land for construction of buildings have disturbed the ecological balance. Moreover, dumping of garbage has contaminated water. soil and air.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 7.
What is Chipko movement?
It is a movement to save forest. In 1973. the people of Garhwal region started a non-
violent movement to save forests. They embraced the trees and saved them from being felled whenever the lumbering contractors came to fell those. “Chipko” in Hindi means to stick to or hold tightly on to something. Sundarlal Bahuguna is a leader of Chipko Movement.

Question 8.
Mention present environmental degradation in India.
India is a rapidly developing nation. Industrialization, urbanization. construction of roadways. extraction of resources in different forms and execution and implementation of various projects are being carried out in different parts of India. Along with these developments, environmental degradation and occurrence of hazards are grdually rising.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation 1

Long Questions & Answers : (3 marks for each question)

Question 1.
Write the causes of environmental degradation.
Environments degradation occurs in two ways :-
i) Natural : For the influence of storm, earthquake, volcanism, Tsunami, lanslide etc. the natural environment clranges, At the same time environmental degradation takes place.

ii) Manmade: Modern agricultural methods, industry, transport, different development activities disturbing environments natural cycle. Unscientific agriculture, industrial waste, unplanned urbanisation bariers in natural course of river chanel and consruction of dams, deforestation cause different problems and degradation in nature.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 2.
What are the causes of environmental degradation in our country? How can it be controlled?
Environmental degradation in our country happens for many causes. Environmental degradation is caused at every time for the activities of man. For the cutting of the trees drought prevails, or flood occurs. On the other hand natural resources are destroyed resulting global warming climate has been change: Thus environmental degradation is continuing regularly. Besides water pollution causes water crysis. Man has set up the factories for our need and also polluted the air at the same times.

The chemical accidents that occur in those factories, creats economical problems for man. The balance between the demand and suppiy is destroyed. Man should immediately stop the falling of trees. He should take step so that the smoke of factories can not pollute the air. He should be careful so that the throwing waste in the water could not pollute the water or waste mater.

Question 3.
What steps can be taken for saving environment?
Some steps need to be taken for saving environment are –
1. One of the main reason for environmental degradation is illiteracy and poverty.
2. Eco-friendly energy must be used more.
3. Resources should be recycled.
5. Environmental impact must be analysed before inplementation of any governmental proposal.
6.Vigilance must be kept so that bio-diversity is not lost.
7. Above all, concerned authorities of the country must give importance to environmental issues.

WBBSE Class 8 Geography Solutions Chapter 7 Human Activities and Environmental Degradation

Question 4.
Development must be carried out and environment must be saved. But how?
Development must be carried out and environment must also be saved.
Human civilization cannot move backward. We need development, we need use of modern technology in agriculture, we need development in industry, urbanisation but we must not destroy the environment. We should protect our forests and we should protect our water resources. Many environmental movement were organised in India.

According to recent world Bank report conducted on environmental degradations harmful effect cost India about 80 billion dollar. According to WHO report on most polluted twenty cities in G-20 nations India has 13 most polluted cities. A survey report conducted on environmental degradation in 132 countries India at 126 spot. Therefore, India occupies a special place in case of environmental degradation. At present many environmental movements have been organised like ‘Chipko Movement’, ‘Narmada Banchao’ movement etc. These type of movements can save our country from danger in future.

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