WBBSE Class 7 History Solutions Chapter 9 India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance

Detailed explanations in West Bengal Board Class 7 History Book Solutions Chapter 9 India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance offer valuable context and analysis.

WBBSE Class 7 History Chapter 9 Question Answer – India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance

1. Fill in the blarks.

a. (Bangladesh/Japan/France/Great Britain) ______ has king and queen even today.
Great Britain

b. The system of selecting of rulers among themselves is known as________ (Democracy $i$ Monarchy/Federal).

c. The longest constitution is the world is of _______ (India/Japan/England)

WBBSE Class 7 History Solutions Chapter 9 India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance

d. The system of governancein which the people aregoverned by themselves is known as ________ (constitution/sabha and sanity/self-governance)

e. A cluster of villages makes a _____ (block/district/municipality)

2. Match column ‘A’ with Column ‘B’

Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
Sarkar Greece
Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Self-government
Federation Indian constitution
Athens Farsi
Assembly of district India


Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’
Sarkar Farsi
Dr. B.R.Ambedkar Indian constitution
Federation India
Athens Greece
Assembly of district Self-government

3. Answer in brief (in about 30-50 words)

a. What characteristics do you notice in the administrative system of India?
The Indian constitutionclearly states the powers of the union and the state governments. The system of governance which recognizes the power of both central and the state governments is called a federal system of governance. .

b. What are Federal system and and sonstitution?
Constitution explicity refers to the Power of the Central Govt and the State Govt. The administration that accepts the power of both the Central Govt and the State Govt is called Federal Government. On the other it is Federal for having the co-existence of both the central govt and the state government. Every courstry has its own system of rules and regulations. These ‘rules and regulations’ is together called ‘the constitution’.

WBBSE Class 7 History Solutions Chapter 9 India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance

c. What are the functions of the Government?
The functions of the Government ranging from Govern the administration, taking initiative for people’s development, collecting taxes, keeping up the freedom of country to working for peace and development of its nation.

d. What do you mean by ‘Self-Governance’?
The people of India not only elect ruler but they also do Participate in the system of ruling themselves. Direct participation to the system of ruling is called ‘Self Government’. ‘Self’ means ‘own’ and ‘Possessed’means ‘Under.’ People here are under the control of themselves. That very kind of administration is called ‘self-Government’.

e. What is election commonly known as?
At what interval is election held in India?
What is the relation between election of the Government and Democracy?
The general term for ‘election’ is called ‘voting’. The citizen of the country elect their Government through ‘voting’.
In India election is held every after five years.
The selection of ruler among the people themselves is called ‘Democracy’. It is democracy where people do set up their code of administration. Thus people elect the representative to govern their country through ‘voting’. Here lies the relation between the election and democracy.

4. Answer in details (100-120 words) :

a. Why is India called democratic and federal? What is the role of the constitution in the adminisration of the country?
India is a vast country this country has only one central Govt. Again each of the states has its own Government who are called the State Govt. Both the Central and the State Govt. are selected by the people. The kind of adminstration that accepts both the power of Central and the State Govt. is called system of Federal Govt. In that sense India is democratic. For people do elect ruler themselves. On the other, it is Federal for the administration of India consists of both the

Central and the State Govt. Therefore India is called democratic and federal.
To every country has its own code of administration. This code is called ‘the constitution’. The word ‘Bidham’ means ‘rule’. India has a constitution written format that’s the largest in the world. This constitution allows the people of country to select their supreme ruler India has two kinds of Government. The central and the state. The constitution of India holds the function of both the Govt. This constitation plays a vital role in governing a country.

b. What are the branches of the government? What are the functions of those branches? Why is the Judiciary kept seperate?
The Govt. has the divisions. The department of law, the department of administration and the department of Judiciary. The dept. of law enacts laws to govern the country. The dept of administration functions in governing the country following that laws. The dept. of Judiciary keeps vigid on governance of the country as per constitution and reservation of right to justice of the people.

Almost all the countries segregate the dept. of Judiciary from two other constitute (law and administration). Therefore the right to justice is reserved through this system. In a word it is called ‘the theory of individualisation of power. The wond ‘Individualisation’ means ‘to segregate’. The theory is adopted to reserve the ‘right to democracy’. The philosopher of France Montensku first invented this theory.

WBBSE Class 7 History Solutions Chapter 9 India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance

c. What are the functions of Municipalities and gram Panchayats?
‘Municipality’ exists in small cities and towns. Service to the people/inhabitants of the town, development and administration incroporated the duties of municipality. Supply of drinking water, construction of roads, checking pollution all these are performed by municipality. The municipality takes initiative in spreading education and developing health care by building schools and hospitals.

As of municipality in the town, village-Panchayat does exist in villages. All round development of village is sole aim to Panchayat. The duties of Panchayat involving supply of drinking water, cleanliness of village, construction of roads and the likes. Besides Panchayat is the functionery for building schools, health centre, afforestation.

Be of municipality or Panchayat, people do elect their representative every after five years. Again in both sphere people themselves do take part in ruling administration and other activities.

d. Write a note on system of ‘Self-Government’ in West Bengal.
Where people are under the control of themselves is called the ‘system of selfGovernment’. This system has a couple of aspects in West Bengal. Municipality for towns and cities and Panchayat for villages. There is Municipality in small towns and cities. The word ‘পৌর’ comes from ‘পুর’, In Sanskrit it means town. The members of the municipality are selected by the dwellers of that town aged 18 years or above. The members are called the “representative of civic

body. ‘ One of them is elected to be the Chief of municipality servive to the people of the town or city, Public health, development administration-all belong to the function of municipality.

As of municipality in the town, there are village Panchayat in the villages. The people of village select the members of vilage-Panchayat through ‘election’. One of them becames the chief of Panchayat. All round development of a village is the sole function of Panchayat. Supply of drinking water cleanliness to the village, construction of roads involiny the functions of Panchayat.

In ‘block’ there are ‘associations of panchayat’. Many a village makes a block. A district is formed with many a block. There is a ‘district ouncil’ in the district. As of Village, ‘association of Panchayat’ and ‘district council’ are responsible to conduct the system of ‘self-government’ of block and district.
‘Municipality and Panchayat’-in each system people elect their members through ‘election’ every after five years. Again in both system people participate in ruling the administration and other activities.

WBBSE Class 7 History Solutions Chapter 9 India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance

e. Can we know about the democratic system in ancient India or elsewhere? What do you think about the democracy?
Once upon a time in India the subjects of Bengal selected Gopal to be their king. That was the beginning of Pal Dynasty’. It was two thousand five years back from now, the people of Athens selected ruler among themselves.

The people of Greece would draw out some symbols on a broken pitcher and drop it into a new pitcher. Who ever received the lions share of a broken pitcher would become the ruler.

Class 7 History Chapter 9 Question Answer West Bengal Board – India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance

Answer in brief (within 30 – 50 words) : (Full mark-3)

Question 1.
What is the theory of ‘individualisation of power?’
Almost all the countries segregate the dept of Judiciary from two other constitute (law and administration). Therefore the right to justice is reserved through it. In a word it is called ‘the theory of ‘individualisation of power.’ ‘Individualisation’ means ‘to segregate’. This theory is adopted to reserve ‘right to democracy’. Philosopher Montensku of France first invented this theory.

Question 2.
What is meant by ‘Municipality’?
‘Muniçipality’ exists in small cities and towns. The word ‘পৌর’ comes from ‘পুর’, In sanskrit it means ‘town’. the members of the municipality are selected by the dwellers of that city aged 18 years or above.

Question 3.
What is democracy?
‘Democracy’ is not a new conception. It was 2500 years back from today, the people of Athens of Greece selected their rulers they liked among themselves. It is heard that people would draw out some symbols on a broken pitcher and dropped it into a new one. Whoever received the lion’s share of a brother pitcher would be selected ruler.

WBBSE Class 7 History Solutions Chapter 9 India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance

Question 4.
What’s the function of village Panchayat?
Village-Panchayat do exist in villages like the municipalities in cities or towns. The members of Panchayat are elected through election procedure by the villagers. Out of the elected members are becomes the chief of Panchayat. The sole aim of Panchayat evolves all round development of a village. Supply of drinking water, cleanliness, construction of roads and the likes as the duties of Panchayat. Besides Panchayat is the functionary for building schools. health centre, afforestation.

Question 5.
Comment on ‘Indian Constitution’.
‘Constitution’ was drafted after a 3 years of discussion and controversy. The consitution was adopted on 26th Nov, 1949. on 26th Junuary, 1950 the constitution was made effective. ‘Repulic Day’ is observed on 26th January.

Question 6.
What’s your view on ‘kind of administration’ of modern India?
The modern India proceeds with a reforming administration governed by a Central Government. Again each of the states has its own Government, that means here exists a Federal administration.

Question 7.
Define ‘Federation’ and ‘Constitution’.
The administration that accepts the power of both the central and the state Govt. is called ‘Federal Government. To every country has its own system of these ‘rules and regulation’ are called ‘The constitution’ the word ‘Bidhan’ means ‘rules’.

Question 8.
What are the functions of a municipality?
The functions of municiality incomposses service to me people of the towr or cities, public health, development and administration and the likes. Supply of drinking water, construction of roads, checking pollution, all are performed by municipality. The municipality takes inititive in spreading education and developing health care by building schools and hospital.

Question 9.
Discuss on the division of the Government.
To conduct the functions of the Govt. it has been into three set-up. The dept. of law, where laws are enacted to govern the country. The dept. of administration who rule the country abiding by laws. The dept of judiciary keep vigil on governance of the country as per constitution and reservation of right to justice of the people. To take action against law-breakers is another function of the dept of judiciary.

WBBSE Class 7 History Solutions Chapter 9 India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance

Question 10.
How is the constitution of India?
India has a constitution in a written format. It is the biggest ever in the world. unlike constitution of other countries it consists of many clause and sub-clauses. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar is the chief maker of this constitution. The constitution acknowledges the right to people in selecting the Supreme ruler of the country. The ‘election’ is generally called ‘conduction of vote’. participating in ‘vote’ the people of the country do elect the government for the next five years.

Additional Questions and answers

Short answer type Questions and Answers

Question 1.
What is meant by ‘constitution’? what does it contain?
A constitution is a document which contains details of how to govern a country. Constitution is a framework within which a government has to function. It defines the power of different organs of the government and also enumerates the righte and duties of citizens.

Question 2.
Mention the preamble of the Indian constitution.
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought expression, belief, faith and worship; and to promote among them allFRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation; IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY THIS TWENTY-SIXTH day of November 1949, do HEREBY ADOPT, ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION.

Question 3.
Name the body that framed the constitution. Who was its chairman?
The constitution of India was framed by the Constituent Assembly. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was its chairman.

WBBSE Class 7 History Solutions Chapter 9 India Today: Government, Democracy and Self Governance

Question 4.
What is democracy and republic?
Answer: Democravy: Democracy is defined as a ‘Government of the people, by the people and for the people.’
Republic: Republis is a state where the head of the state is an elected person. He is elected for a definite period.

Question 5.
What is a preamble?
The preamble is a kind of introductory statement which somes before the constitution. It is not law. But it explains the main spirit of the Indian constitution.

Question 6.
When did the constitution of India come into forve?
26 January, 1950.

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