WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Detailed explanations in West Bengal Board Class 7 Geography Book Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface offer valuable context and analysis.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Chapter 2 Question Answer – Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

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WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface 4


Do we experience day and night at the same time on the same parallel? if not, why?
Day and night do not happen in same time on same parallel because the Earth is sperical. So the sunrise and sun set do not occur at the same time through out the Earth.

How can you determine the location of a place between two parallels?
To determine the location of a place between two parallel we should measure the angle that forms from the place to the centre of the Earth along the equatorial plane.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Where can you see eastern and western hemispheres simultaneously?
We can observe eastern and western hemisphere from the Astronomical observatory in Greenwich.

Intution (Page- 27)

Compare and contrast between parallels of latitude and Meridians of longitude.
The difference between parallels and Meridians of longitude are as follows.

1. The cercumference of different parallels are different. 1. The circumference of different Meridian are same.
2. Highèst latitude vảlues $90^{\circ}$ 2. Higliest fogitude values 180°
3. Parailels stretch from east to west. 3. Meridian Stretch from West to east.
4. They are full circle. 4. They are half circle.

Why is the time same on the same meridian?
As the meridians stretch from north to south of the earth the sunrise and sunset at the different place on same meridians occur at the same time. So the local time of those places are same. The rotation of the Earth from west to east. On its axis is responsible for that.

On which direction of the earth, does the time increase and why?
When the Earth goes to east the time is increased on the sun rises at the east. first. It is because the Earth rotates from west to east.

Live telecast of the inauguration of London Olympic was seen at 11.30 p.m. in India. When did the programme start in London?
The time of 82° 30′ meridian is considered as the standard time of India. The difference of time between India and.Greenivich is 5 hours 30 m : India is located to the east of London. To the Indian time is increased by 5 . h .30 m, If the in auguration of London olympic was 11.30 p.m. in India the programne started in London (11.30.p.m -5 h 30 m) = 6 p.m.

How do you determine the location of a place on the earth’s surface with suitable diagram.
With the help of parallels and meridians inter-sect each other and make a grad system. The inter secting points help to determine the location of a place.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

If the lalitude of a place is 40° N and latitude is 80° E. it is understood that the place fies to 40°. North from equator and 80° east from Prime meridian. So the place is situated the intersecting point of 40° N latitude and 80° e longitude.

Class 7 Geography Chapter 2 Question Answer West Bengal Board – Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (1 mark for each question).

Question 1.
Equator’s value is-
i) 90°
ii) 30°
iii) 60°
iv) 0°
iv) 0°

Question 2.
The fatitudinal location of Kolkata is-
i) 34° 22′ N
ii) 22° 34′ S
iii) 22° 34′ N
iv) 22° 34′ S
iii) 22° 34′ N

Question 3.
The highess value of longitude is –
i) 180°
ii) 90°
iii) 60°
iv) 30°
i) 180°

Question 4.
Estimated latitude of ‘Tokyo is-
i) 30° N
ii) 35° N
iii) 20° N
iv) 32°
ii) 35° N

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Question 5.
The longitude of New Delhi-
i) 70° 13′ E
ii) 77° 13: E
iii) 67° 18′ E
iv) 77° 13′ W
ii) 77° 13′ E

Question 6.
The latítude of New Delhi-
i) 28° 38′ N
ii) 20′ 30′ x
iii) 28′ 38′ S
iv) 25° 30′ N
i) 28 38′ N

Question 7.
The standard time of India is considered as –
i) 82° 32′
ii) 84° 30′
iii) 88° 30′
iii) 80° 20′
i) 82° 30′

Question 8.
The libes of longitudes to each other are –
i) parallel
ii) not parallel
iii) full circle
ii) nof parallel

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Question 9.
The total number of meridians are-
i) 179
ii) 180
iii) 120
iv) 360
iv) 360

Question 10.
If we go further east then the time will be-
i) the same
ii) increased
ii) decreased
ii) Increased:

Question 11.
The latitude of the north pole is-
i) 90° N
ii) 90° S
iii) 61 \(\frac{1}{2}\) ° N
iii) 61 \(\frac{1}{2}\) ° S
Ans :
i) 90° N.

Question 12.
The greatest latitute of the Earth is-
i) the Tropic of Capricon
ii) the Tropic of cancer
iii) the Equator
iii) the Equator.

Question 13.
The latitude of Nasik in Maharastra is –
i) 24° S
ii) 24° N
iii) 20° S
iv) 20° N
iv) 20° N

Question 14.
The valie of the meridian just opposite to the Prime meridian is-
i) 90°
ii) 180°
iii) 360°
iv) 120°
ii) 180°

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Question 15.
The other name of the Equator is-
i) Tropic of cance
ii) Great circle
iii) Tropic of capricon
ii) Great Circle

Question 16.
The value of the Tropic of cancer is –
i) 0°
ii) 23 \(\frac{1}{2}\) ° N
iii) 23 \(\frac{1}{2}\) ° S
iii) 23 \(\frac{1}{2}\) ° S

State whether True or False : (1 mark for each question),

1. Meridians are not parallel to each other.

2. Distance between two mertdians is maximum at the poles.

3. Meridians are semi-circular.

4. Among the parallels of latitude value of equator is 90°.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

5. 90° North latitude is North pole.

6. Parallels of latitude are parallel to each other.

The difference between Indian Standard Time and greenwich Mean time is 2 hours 30 minutes.

8. When it is afternoon in London, it is night in India.

9. When the sun remains just overhead of a meridian, the time will be 1 pm.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

10. The eart takes 4 minutes to cover 1°.

Fili in the blauks : (1 mark for each question)

1. 0° line of latifinde is known as _____.

2. The Ritme Menidiad passes through the _____.
‘Rayal Greenwich.

3. The _____ devided the Earth into eastern and Western pemisphere.
Prime Meridian.

4. The lines of Latitudes are _____.
Full circle.

5. The north pole and south pole are connected by _____.
The lives of longitude.

6. The Earth takes _____ minutes to rotate 1° meridian.
4 .

7. To ditermine the latitude and longitude of a place on earth a modern measure is _____.
GPS or Global positioning system.

8. _____ meridian is considered as the standard Meridian in India.
82° 30’ E.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

9. Meridians are the _____ in shape or nature.

10. Lines of Latitudes are _____ to each otber.

11. The value of parallels gradualyy _____ towards pole.

12. _____ is kinown as Great Circle.

13. Presently GPS System is attached to car and _____.
mobile phone

14. Determination of time of a place according to meridian is called _____.
Local Time

15. Meridians are not _____ to each other.
Ans :

Match the column A with columin B

Column A Column B
a) Latitudes are parallel i) are called parallels of tatiturie
b) 90°North latitude ii) is located at Greenwich
c) Globe is a miniature replica iii) side of Greemwich
d) Horizontal lines parallel to the equitor iv) seuni-circular
e) Kolkata is located v) is North pole
f) Merdians are vi) are 90°N and 90°S
g) Distance between two meridians vii) to each other
h) The Royal Astronomical Observatory viii) on the 22°34‘ N parallel
i) India is on the eastern ix) is maximum at the Equator
j) The latitude of the two poles x) of the earth

a) Latitudes are parallel to each other.
b) 90° North latitude is North pole.
c) Globe is a miniature replica of the earth.
d) Horizontal lines parallel to the equitor are called parallèls of latitude:
e) Kolkata is located on the 22°-34′ N parallel.
f) Merdians are semi-circular.
g) Distance betweer two meridians is maximum at the Equatof.
h) The Royal Astronomical Observatory is located-at Greenwich.
i) India is on the eastern side of Greenwich.
j) The latitude of the two potes are 90 N N aird 90° S.

Very Short Questions & Answers : (1 márk for each question)

Question 1.
What is- the time equavalent for 1 degree of longitude?
If you move from one longitude to the next the difference will be of 4 minutes.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Question 2.
What is GPS ?
GPS is Global Positioning System which is a modern measure to determine the latitude or-longitude of a place.

Question 3.
What is the value of North pole and South pole?
Tlie value of North pole is 90° North and South pole is 90° South.

Question 4.
Which line devides the Earth in Northern and Southern hemisphere?
The Equator devides the Earth in Northern and Southern himisphere.

Question 5.
What is latitude?
Latitude is a geographical coordinates that specifies north south position on earth surface.

Question 6.
What is longitudes?
Answer :
Longitude is a geographical; coordinates which specifies east west position on earth surface.

Question 7.
What is the line of Latitude?
The imagirary lines that sarround the Earth from East to West is called line of latitude.

Question 8.
What is the line of longitude?
The imaginary balf circles that connects the north pole and south pole is known as the lines of longitude.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Question 9.
What is the value of the lines of latitudes?
There are 180 lines of latitude, from 0° to 90° to the north of the Equator and 0° to 90° to the Sorth of the Equator:

Question 10.
How many lines of longitude are there?
There are 360 lines of longitudes.

Question 11.
What is the name of the line of longitude which lies just opposite of Prime mẹidian?
The line of longitude that lies just opposite of prime Meridian is 180° lines of latitude.

Question 12.
The time of which place of India is considered as the standard time of India.
The time of Alahabad is considered as the Standard time of India.

Question 13.
On which city the Prime Meridian passes through?
The Prime Meridian passes through the city of Greenwich near London.

Question 14.
Why the equator is called the great circle.
The diameter of Equator is the greatest so it is called the great circle.

Question 15.
What is the angular value of the circumference of the Earth.
The angular value of the circumference of the Earth is 360°.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Question 16.
How much time the Earth takes to complete 15° angle?
The Earth takes 1 hour to complete 15° angle.

Question 17.
What is G.M.T.
G. M. T. is Greenwich Mean Time.

Question 18.
What is East Meridians.
Meridians, that are situated in the east of Prime Meridian are called the East Meridians.

Question 19.
What is West Meredian?
Meridions, that are situated in West of Prime Meridian are called the West Meridians

Question 20.
What is local time?
Determination of time of a place according to meridian is called local time.

Short Questions & Answers : (2 marks for each question)

Question 1.
How are the hemispheres divided ?
There are generally considered to be four hemispheres: Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western. The Equator or line of 0 degrees latitude, divides the earth into the Northern and Southern hemisphere. Prime meridian divides the earth into the Eastern and Western hemisphere.

Question 2.
How can you determine the exact location of a place?
Absolute location describes the location of a place based on a fixed point on earth. The most common way is to identify the location using coordinates such as latitude and longitude. lines of latitude and longitude crisscross the earth.

Question 3.
Write two characteristics of the parallels of laitude.
1. They are parallel to each other.
2. Their circumference gradually reduces towards th poles.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Question 4.
Write two characteristics of the meridians of longitude.
1. Meridians are semi-circular.
2. Each meridian of longitude merges at the North and South pole.

Question 5.
Why is the Standard Time impentant?
The different times of different places results problems in the work of Post office, railways and Broad casting. So the local time of any places of a country is considered as the standard time.

Question 6.
What do you understand by the words that the meridian of Kolkata is 88° 30′ \mathbf{E ?
The meridian of Kolkata is 88° 30′ E means Kolkata lies at Eastern hemisphere. The straight line that connect Kolkata and the centre of the Earth forms an angle with the value of 88° 3′.

Question 7.
What is GPS?
GPS or gloos Pationing system the a modern measure to determine the latitude and longitude of a place. It is applied from the artificial sattelite of the Earth. Now it is present in modern ship, arroplane, car even in mobile phone.

Long Questions & Answers : (3 marks for each question)

Question 1.
State the characteristics of lines of latitude.
The characteristics of lines of latitude are as follows :
a) The lines are parallel to each other.
b) Towards the pole the circumference of latitude gradually decreases.
c) Towards the pole the value of parallels gradually increases.
d) Amongst all the parallels, Equator is an important one and it is known as Great Circle. The value of Equator is 0°.
e) 89 parallels can be drawn in each hemisphere considering 1° interval. So there are 178 parallels. The poles are nothing but two points only.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface 5

Question 2.
State the charecteristics of the lines of longitude.
The charecteristics of lines of longitude are as follows :
a) The Meridians does not run paralles to each other.
b) The distance between two meridians decreases towards poles and increases towords equator.
c) Towards east or west of the prime Meridian, the value of meridians gradually increases. There are 179 merians in the east and are 180° meridian (International Date line). All total there are 360 meridians.
d) In shape or nature meridians are half circle in shape.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Question 3.
What do you mean by local Time and standard time?
When sun remains just over the head of a place the time will be 12 noon of that place, According to this time the other time of the day is determined this is called Local Time. When the different meredian pass through a country then any one of the meridians is considered as the standard meridian and the time of this meridian is considered as the standard meredian and the time of this meridian is considered as standard Time of the country to eleminate the problems of time. This is called standard time.

Question 4.
What is the difference between the two places one of them lies to the earth of Greenwich and other lies to the West of Greenwich.
The time of the place that lies to the east of Greenwich is more tham that of Greenwich. With the increasing of every meridian the time increases 4 minutes. The time of the place that lies to the west of Greenwich is less than that of Greenwich. With the increasing of every 1° meridian towards the west. the time decreases 4 minutes.

Question 5.
Why are the lines of latitudes and longitudes are important?
The lines of latitude and longitudes are important to determine the location of a place on the Earth. The lines of latidudes and longitude determine the climate of a place. The temperture of lower latitude high moderate in middle and east at higher latitude. The climate is cold here. The meredian help to determine the time.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Question 6.
Distinguish between lines of latitudes and longitudes.
The differences between the lines of tatidudesandl ongitudes are :

Lines of Latitudes Lines of Longitudes
1. The line with same latitude is called the lines of latitude. 1. The line with same longitude is called the lines of longitude.
2. They are full circle. 2. They are half circle.
3. They are stretch from east to west. 3. They are stretch from North to South.
4. The length of the lines are not same. 4. The length of the lines are same.
5. The heighest value is $90^{\circ}$ 5. The heighest value is 180°
6. There is no difference in temperature of two places lies in same latitude. 6. There is difference in climate of two places lies in same longitude.
7. They are parallel to each other. 7. They are not parallel to each other.
8. There is no changing in time with the change of latitude. 8. There is changing in time with the changed of longitude.

Question 7.
What is International date line? What is its importance?
The 180° meridian which lies just opposite side of prime Meridian is known as international date line because from this line a new date starts or ends.
Importance : If two persons starts from Greenwich one of them towards east and other towards were when they reach at 180° meridian the time of the person. Who is from east will be irresed for 12 hours. But the time of the person who is from west will be decreased for 12 hours. To eleminate the problem 180° meredian is eonsidered as international date line. The person who crosses 180° and goes towards last the line will be decreases for one day and who goes to the east the time will be decreases for one day. so 180° menidian is called the lnternational dalite.

WBBSE Class 7 Geography Solutions Chapter 2 Determination of the Location of a Place on the Earth’s Surface

Question 8.
What is the importance of lines of latitude and longitude?
Importance of lines of latitude-

  • The lines of latitude have devided the Earth in diffeent climatie Zone.
  • It can be understocd that how far a place is to the north or to the south of Equator.
  • They devide the Earth into different temperate zones.

Importance of the line of longitude :

  • The lines of longitude help to know the time.
  • It can be known that how far a place is to the east of to the west of prime meridian.
  • The pilot of the aircraft or the ship remain conscious about the lines of longitude.

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