WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Solutions Chapter 1.2 Biology and its Branches

Detailed explanations in West Bengal Board Class 9 Life Science Book Solutions Chapter 1.2 Biology and its Branches offer valuable context and analysis.

WBBSE Class 9 Science Chapter 1.2 Question Answer – Biology and its Branches

Very Short Questions and Answers : (1 mark for each question)

Question 1.
What is anatomy?
Anatomy is the study of the structure and location of internal organs and organ systems of animals and plants.

Question 2.
What is genetics?
Genetics is the study of genes and hereditary features of organisms.

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Solutions Chapter 1.2 Biology and its Branches

Question 3.
What is embryology?
Embryology is the study of structure and development of embryos of living organisms.

Question 4.
What is evolutionary biology?
Evolutionary biology is the study of origin of life and trends of changes in different forms of life with time.

Question 5.
What is biogeography?
Biogeography is the study of distribution of plants and animals in different geographical regions.

Question 6.
What is cybernetics?
Cybernetics is the science that deals with the technique of communications and control systems in both machines and living organisms.

Question 7.
What do you mean by hybridization?
Hybridization is the process of crossing two genetically different individuals to produce an offspring with a different, often preferred, set of characters.

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Solutions Chapter 1.2 Biology and its Branches

Question 8.
Mention any three branches of applied biology.
Three branches of applied biology are — sericulture, apiculture and animal husbandry.

Question 9.
What is agriculture?
Agriculture is the scientific practice of cultivation of commercially important crops.

Question 10.
What is horticulture?
Horticulture is the scientific practice of production of flowers and fruits.

Question 11.
What is apiculture?
Apiculture is the scientific practice of rearing honeybees in artificial hives and extracting honey from it.

Question 12.
What is sericulture?
Sericulture is the scientific practice of rearing silkworms and extracting silk fibres from cocoons for economic purpose.

Question 13.
What is animal husbandry?
Animal husbandry is the practice of breeding and rearing domestic animals like cattles, pigs, poultry birds etc. for production of milk, meat and eggs.

Question 14.
What is pharmacy?
Pharmacy is the study of principles and practices of developing drug for therapeutic use in man, animals and plants.

WBBSE Class 9 Life Science Solutions Chapter 1.2 Biology and its Branches

Question 15.
What is silviculture?
Silviculture is the study of principles and practices of cultivation of trees for wood and use of timber and its by-products.

Question 16.
What is entomology?
Entomology is the study of different insects which are useful and harmful to man, animals and plants.

Short Questions and Answers : (2 marks for each question)

Question 1.
What is biology?
The branch of science that deals with the study, investigations, experiments, observations and discussions on the origin, development, structural features and physiological activities of different living organisms, is known as biology

Question 2.
What do you mean by applied branches of biology?
Applied branches of biology are those branches of biological science, in which, knowledge obtained from biology is applied for the welfare of human, animals and plants.

Question 3
What is zoology?
The branch of biological science that deals with the study of morphology, anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, geographical distribution and conservation of animals, is known as zoology.

Question 4.
What is botany?
The branch of biological science that deals with the study of morphology, anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, geographical distribution and medinical uses and conservation of plants, is known as botany.

Question 5.
What is physiology?
The branch of biology that deals with the study of different activities and reactions related to various metabolic functions of living organisms, is called physiology.

Question 6.
What is taxonomy?
Taxonomy is the oldest branch of biology, that deals with the identification, nomenclature and classification of living organisms on the basis of certain principles and processes.

Question 7.
What is microbiology?
Microbiology is a branch of biological science, that deals with the study of microorganisms like virus, bacteria and all other microscopic organisms which are useful and harmful to human, animals and plants.
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Question 8.
What is biochemistry?
Biochemistry is a branch of science, developed by the combination of biology and chemistry. in order to study the nature of various chemicals, their classification and reaction processes occurring in the living organisms.

Question 9.
What is biophysics?
Biophysics is an interdisciplinary branch of science, that is developed by (he combination of biology and physics. Ir deals with the study and explaination of the critical structure of various organs and the physical activities related to movement and locomotion, food capturing etc. of living bodies under the light of physics. Various instruments have been invented with the help of biophysics, such as endoscope, ultrasonograph, microscope etc.
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Question 10.
What is molecular biology?
The branch of biology that deals with the study of molecular structures of different intracellular biomolecules, their functions and applications, is known as molecular biology.

Question 11.
What is statistics?
The branch of science, that deals with the collection, analysis and interpretation of data and finally presentation and organisation of the collected data, is known as statistics.

Question 12.
What is immunology?
Immunology is a branch of science, that deals with the study of structure and function of body’s immune system and the nature of reactions occuring within the body between different antigens and antibodies.

Question 13.
What is astrobiology or exobiology?
Astrobiology or exobiology is a combination of biology and space science, which is concerned with the study of the effect of hostile environment of outer space on various life activities of organisms on earth and different biochemical reactions.

Question 14.
What are the objectives of studying exobiology?
The most important objective of studying exobiology is to find those organisms, that can withstand extreme conditions in space. Study of these organisms gives us an idea of those life forms, which came into being in extremely hostile environment of primitive earth. Study of this subject also gives us an idea of the reactions, which took place during abiogenesis of life on earth.

Question 15
Mention the different branches of cinical biology.
The different branches of clinical biology are-immunology, serology, haematology, oncology, radiation biology, IVF (In vitro Fertilisation) technology, veterinary science etc.

Question 16
What is serology?
Serology is the scientific study or diagnostic examination of blood and serum, especially with respect to the response of the immune system to pathogens or introduced substances.

Question 17
What is meant by pearl culture? What is lac culture?

  • Pearl culture: Pearl culture is a branch of applied biology that deals with the methods and techniques of rearing pearl oysters and extraction of pearl from them.
  • Lac culture: Lac culture is a branch of applied biology that deals with the methods of rearing lac insects and extraction of shellac (a resin secreted by the female lac bug) from them.

Question 18.
What is meant by bioenergetics? What is thanatology?

  • Bioenergetics: The branch of biology that deals with the transformation of energy required for the synthesis and breaking up of biomolecules, is known as bioenergetics.
  • Thanatology: Thanatology is the branch of science, that is concerned with the study of changes in a body after death and finding the cause of death.

Question 19.
What is bionics?
Bionics is a new branch of science developed by the combination of biology and electronics to study the mechanical systems that function like living organisms or part of living organisms.

Question 20.
What is gerontology?
Gerontology is a branch of science, that deals with ageing process. It is also known as geriatric studies. It mainly deals with the physical activities and problems faced during old age, senescence process of living cells, developing anti-oxidant medications etc.

Question 21.
What is biotechnology?
Biotechnology is a broad discipline of bioscience, which involves the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.

Question 22.
Write two objectives of studying biology.
Two objectives of studying biology are:

  • To understand the relationship of living organisms with primary components of the environment and their interdependence.
  • To gain knowledge about our local flora and fauna and developing healthy interaction with them.

Long Questions and Answers : (5 marks for each question)

Question 1.
Give a brief idea wa different brauches of classical biology.
Branches of classical biology
Different branches of classical biology are discussed below.

  • Morphology: This Is the branch of classical biology, that deals with the study of morphs I.e. size.
    shape and external features of living organisms.
  • Cytology: This branch of biology deals with the study of structure and function of cells.
  • Histology: The study of structure, distribution and function of tissues of living organisms, is called histology.
  • Anaty: [his branch of biology deals with the structures of different Internal organs of plants and animals.
  • Pyslolog: This is the branch of classical biology, that involves the study of various metabolic reactions and the functional activities of life.
  • Genetics: This branch of biology deals with the study of heredity and variations of inherited features.
  • Evolutionary biolo: This is the study of origin of life and gradual complexities of organisms.
  • Ethology: This branch of biology is concerned with the study of behaviour of organisms.
  • Ecology: This branch of classical biology deals with the study of interrelation between organisms and the environment.
  • Taxonomy: This is the oldest branch of classical biology that deals with the theoritical study of classification of living organisms including its basic principles and processes. It involves identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms.
  • Immunology: This branch of science deals with the study of immune system of our body and the reactions of antigens and antibodies occuring in our body.
  • Embryology: This branch of science deals with the structure and development of embryo of living organisms.
  • Pathology: This branch of science deals with the study of different diseases, their causes and preventive measures.
  • Paleontology: This branch of classical biology deals with the study of extinct organisms, through their fossils and, thus, knowing their geological history.

Question 2.
Give a brief idea on different branches of applied biology.
Branches of applied biology
Different branches of applied biology are discussed below.
1. Agriculture: This branch of applied biology deals with the practice of cultivation of crops and vegetables.

2. Horticulture: This is a branch of applied biology, which deals with the scientific practice of cultivation of flowers and fruits.

3. Forestry: This branch of applied biology deals with the methods, which help to reduce deforestation, such as afforestation and conservation of forest.

4. Pharmacognosy: This branch of science deals with the rearing and conservation of medicinal herbs and study of crude drugs and herbal medicines.
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5. Sericulture: This branch of science deals with the scientific practice of rearing silkworm and extracting silk fibres from cocoons, for economic interest.

6. Pisciculture: This branch of applied biology deals with the scientific practice of breeding, rearing and capturing fishes for economic purpose.

7. Apiculture: This branch of science deals with the scientific practice of rearing honeybees in artificial hives and extracting honey from them.

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8. Pearl Culture: This is a branch of applied biology, that deals with the methods of rearing pearl oysters and extraction of pearl from them.

9. Lac culture: This branch of applied biology deals with the methods of rearing lac insects and extraction of shellac from them.

10. Poultry farming: This branch of applied biology deals with the breeding and rearing of poultry birds, for the production of eggs and meat.

11. Dairy farming: This branch of applied biology deals with the rearing of cattle for the production of milk.

12. Animal husbandly : This branch of applied biology deals with the practice of breeding of farm animals (cattle, pigs, horses etc.) in order to develop their genetic qualities for human profit.

13. Plant breedhg This branch of applied biology deals with various methods for production of improved variety of plants.

14. Molecular biology : The branch of science that deals with the study of different biomolecules and their activities within our body, is known as molecular biology.

15. Biochemistry : This branch of science deals with the study of chemical processes occurring inside living organisms.

16. Microbiology: It is the study of microorganisms that are useful or harmful to man, plants and animals.

Question 3.
Mention the relationship of biology with other branches of science.
Relationship of biology with other branches of science:
In course of time, biological science has developed further by sharing its concepts with other fields of science. This gave rise to some new and modern branches of science subjects. Some of these are discussed below.

1. Biophysics: This branch of science has been developed by the combination of biology and physics. It deals with the study and explanation of the critical structures of various organs and physical activities related to movement, locomotion, food capturing etc. of living bodies, under the light of physics.

2. Biochemistry: This is a branch of science, developed by the combination of biology and chemistry. It deals with the study of nature of various chemicals, their classification and reaction processes occurring in the living organisms.

3. Biotechnology: This is a modern branch of science, developed for producing improved variety of plants or animals for human benefit, by means of genetic manipulation.

4. Biometry: This is a branch of science, developed by combination of biology, mathematics and statistics. This subject helps to analyse different events and facts of biology, under the light of statistics.

5. Bionics: This branch of science has developed by the combination of biology’ and electronics. This is the study of mechanical systems which function like living organisms or parts of living organisms.

6. Biogeography: This branch of science has developed by the combination of biology and geography. It deals with the study of the distribution of flora and fauna in different geographical regions.

7. Anthropology: This branch of science has been developed for the study of humankind, under the light of geography, sociology and palaeontology.

8. Palaeontology: This branch of science is developed by the combination of biology and geology. It deals with the study of the fossils of primitive life forms.

9. Bioinformatics: This branch of science has been developed by the combination of biology and computer science. It deals with the analysis of complex biological data, especially genetic codes.

10. Astrobiology or exobiology: This is a modern branch of science, developed by the combination of biology and space science to study the effect of environment of outer space on living organism of earth.

Question 4.
Explain the applications of biology in various fields.
Applications of biology:
Some important applications of biology are discussed below.

1. Development in agriculture: The ever-growing population of our country led to the problem of food scarcity, thereby increasing the demand for food. Application of biology has solved this problem to a great extent. Biology is applied at its best in the field of agriculture, to increase the productivity and quality of crops. Various fields of application of biology in agriculture are —

  • Production of high-yielding varieties of crops: By using the knowledge of genetics and applying the techniques of hybridization, high-yielding varieties of paddy, wheat, maize and several other crops have been successfully produced.
  • Production of seedless fruits: Concept of genetics and horticulture are combined to produce seedless varieties of fruits and to improve the productivity and size of fruits.
  • Pest control: Concept of biotechnology has been applied to develop certain pest resistant varieties of crops and vegetables. Several pests are now controlled biologically by using predators and parasites.
  • Storing of crops and food: Inventions in the field of biology help us to protect and preserve crops and food for a longer period of time. ‘

2. Fish production: Knowledge of biology has been applied in induced breeding technique and composite fish culture, to increase fish production and to meet the growing demand.

3. Poultry and dairy: Knowledge of biology has been used for the advancement of poultry and dairy farming techniques. By this process, the production of eggs, meat and milk has been increased.

4. Preparation of medicines: Herbal medicines are used since ancient times. Study of biology has revealed several medicinally important plants and animal products, which are used for the benefit of human and animals. Knowledge of microbiology has helped to produce a number of antibiotics, such as penicillin, streptomycin, neomycin, tetracycline etc.
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5. Application of biology in space: Chlorella is the most photosynthetically efficient green alga. It is cultured in space stations, to maintain a continuous supply of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide. Many microbes and other organisms are studied in space laboratories to know the effect of extreme conditions of space on life forms.

6. Industrial production: Industries like sericulture, lac culture, pearl culture are different wings of biology. The concepts of biology are utilised to increase the production of cosmetics, medicines, textile, paper, plastic, rubber, leather, wood, tea, coffee, bakery and brewery industries.

7. Controlling environmental pollution: Biological notions help us to control environmental pollution. Afforestation, social forestry and conservation of forest are some of the positive steps, undertaken globally for pollution control.

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8. Population control: Population explosion is the burning problem of present world. By applying different concepts of biology and medicine, scientists have invented different modern and effective birth contol techniques for controlling population.

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